
Are we gonna get the Inventory/Stock management feature on wave or not ?

infotechnabinfotechnab Member Posts: 1

Its very nice application i am using for invoice and estimates but without out accounting of Inventory very hard to Automate business on it. I am wondering if it is coming future or not ? and whey?


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    bostonchrissy83bostonchrissy83 Member Posts: 4

    I use wave for my photography business (well it is more like a side hustle haha) so I don;t know about tracking invetory but my sister had used it for what she sells and used this https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208623546

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @infotechnab! There currently isn't an option for tracking inventory within Wave, but the workaround outlined in the article posted by @bostonchrissy83 works well for a lot of our users. You will still have to calculate the monetary value of your inventory, however.

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    SkafteSkafte Member Posts: 34

    Just wanted to add to this, that you can count me in as one more person (very!) interested in a dedicated inventory management feature within Wave :) When you sell a lot of small/cheap things and have many transactions to deal with it becomes a real drag using the current method available (outlined here). Xero seems to have nailed it: https://xero.com/uk/features-and-tools/accounting-software/inventory/... Hope to see this in Wave and many thanks!

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    SilvaTechSilvaTech Member Posts: 1

    I was thinking their was an inventory system, but playing with it it was not doing what I need. I to would love ot see this feature added and will check for it in the future.

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    JonJazzJonJazz Member Posts: 6

    I would like to be able to input the total quantity of each item/product that is available so when I add that item to an invoice it is deducted from the total quantity. Please add an inventory system. Your work-around does not help in my case

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @JonJazz ! We still don't have any set timeline as to when this feature would be available to our users, however, I wouldn't mind hearing your current workflow and how this would be improved in Wave with a feature such as this (I would be happy to pass along your feedback to our product team for potential implementation).

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    TorkrenchTorkrench Member Posts: 5

    @JamieD this is what Ive been asking for as well! The accounting system is adequate, the payment system is awesome...enough that I never want to leave Wave. . If you add actual inventory control to Wave it would be fantastic! I think every shop/retail user of Wave that has to watch their widgets, would be stoked to have ability to move products in & out- not only the books but to keep track of stock on hand as well. Send out an email poll to users! $10-12/ month is totally fair for simple stock on hand. Perhaps offer an audit trail report for the products to see where the additions & subtractions were for the time period. We dont need a full blown POS + inventory solution, just something lean & simple to finally ditch the extra spreadsheets & have integrated to Wave!

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    JM_SEARSMED28JM_SEARSMED28 Member Posts: 4

    Since WAVE APP does not offer inventory management, is there any 3rd party inventory system that can collaborate with WAVE APP?

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @JM_SEARSMED28 based on what I found on Zapier's site, it looks like Dear Inventory integrates into Wave. I don't know a ton about their app beyond that, but it might be worth a look!

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    MugglesMuggles Member Posts: 3

    Hi All - I would also be incredibly interested in some form of inventory control being added. From the posts I've been reading, this is something that users are crying out for and have been for years by the looks of it. I've only recently started using Wave and have just in the past couple of days moved my business over to it as well. The inventory side is really not up to scratch with the rest of the functions and features. Come on Wave, how many people have to ask for this before you do add it to your roadmap to be looked at?

    Some other suggestions (they may already exist, I'm still looking)...

    Integration with Woocommerce
    Integration with Facebook Shop
    Purchase Orders or at the very least, the ability to print/email Bills

    Other than that, thanks for an amazing accounting solution. Very happy that I made the change, just need these few things looked at to make it complete.


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Muggles

    Currently Wave does not offer this feature within this version of our app. We're always looking for feedback from our customers on how we can improve our software with every update we make. So we appreciate you reaching out about this and you should know that our developers are always parsing through archived tickets looking for feature updates requested by our users. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other ideas you think we could make to our system!

    P.S I love the username

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    MugglesMuggles Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the feedback BarsinA. Pity it isn't good news, but that's how it goes sometimes.

    Glad you like the username :wink: It's a play on words because I do corporate branding and personalised printing on Mugs and other things. You can checkout my website if you are interested: https://www.muggles.co.za

    Thanks again and keep well.

    Regards. Sara.

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    pccrichpccrich Member Posts: 3

    Inventory management would really be an awesome update to see in the near future.

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    Frenchies_FragrancesFrenchies_Fragrances Member Posts: 1

    Hi guys and girls, the wave app is great as everyone says its missing a trick I think, I want do do everything though wave but I have one little problem which I want to resolve before it becomes a nightmare, How do you all track stock , I buy stock at one price and sell at another so how can I get it to work for me or will this have to be a manual process plus I want something which tells me what stock I have so I know when I need to reorder items. What free applications do you use in order to track stock ? Ive tried doing though wave and working a way to do it and cant even manage to get the manual way to work for me, yes I have email support. I would even pay for the option of tracking stock i,e my price of selling items is not the price I buy Items for plus postage costs both for the customer and for myself so I need to try and make it nice and simple any idea's gratefully received

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    JAERLLCJAERLLC Member Posts: 1

    Wave, looking at this thread alone, the earliest post is Feb. 4, 2018. That's 4 years that your customers have been requesting a simple inventory control system that integrates with your web app. How much longer will you hold out on us?

    I love wave, it has simplified so much with regards to owning my own repair business, but the lack of inventory control really puts a damper on things, especially with no simple and inexpensive solution to managing my physical inventory. Zoho Books has their own inventory system. What do you have? A work around that causes me to put in more effort by managing separate spreadsheets and no way of even integrating those spreadsheets with Wave, because the size exceeds 25Mb?

    I'm sure this forum alone does not account for all the people using your web app that would and could benefit from a simple inventory management solution. PLEASE make this happen!

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    cjmcqueencjmcqueen Member Posts: 1

    @Barsin said:

    Currently Wave does not offer this feature within this version of our app. We're always looking for feedback from our customers on how we can improve our software with every update we make. So we appreciate you reaching out about this and you should know that our developers are always parsing through archived tickets looking for feature updates requested by our users. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other ideas you think we could make to our system!

    I get that inventory management is not a small feature to add, but if there was at least a way to integrate and automate the option for others to make it possible would be a great start. I would gladly hire a dev or even implement the feature on my own if there was an API for it.

    My use case is a WordPress site using WooCommerce to sell a few things. It's small inventory, but if I could just connect a sale that happens on WooCommerce and have it track that sale and map the inventory lines in Wave... man, that's all I need! Right now I'm stuck in Spreadsheet and manual process mode and I want out. Please make it easier for the small businesses to track important details like inventory!

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