
Sort by amount?

MtnwolfMtnwolf Member Posts: 1

My bank seems to report "Bill Pay and Date" but it does not specify the payee. This requires going back to my bank statement for each transaction in order to categorize. It would save a lot of time if we could sort by the transaction dollar amount. Then we can manually categorize easily. For example: My auto payment is $462 so if I could sort and ind all $462 transactions, I could see that I had categorized "Bill Pay" and $462 as Auto - Payment and easily categorize. Would it be too much to ask to "Auto Categorize" this as well?



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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mtnwolf, I agree that a "sort by amount" filter would be really handy! In lieu of that being built into the Transactions page, you can always try command/control + F to open a search directly on the page.

    As for auto-categorization, this is something we're working on, and it should be enabled on your Wave account! You can check here to learn more about how it works in Wave!

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