
Report does not display contact

Nilay_ShahNilay_Shah Member Posts: 10

While exporting the Account Transactions the PDF / CSV does not display the vendor or Customers contact name. So, we need to rely on the description to identify the same from the downloaded copy.
Kinldy advise how can the vendor or Customers contact name be displayed across reports wherever applicable.
Thank you!


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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Nilay_Shah, to get this level of specificity, I recommend exporting your data at Settings > Data Export; once you receive the file, you'll be able to open up a Detailed General Ledger file (amongst others) which give you more detail.

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    Nilay_ShahNilay_Shah Member Posts: 10

    @Ryan_W said:
    Hey @Nilay_Shah, to get this level of specificity, I recommend exporting your data at Settings > Data Export; once you receive the file, you'll be able to open up a Detailed General Ledger file (amongst others) which give you more detail.

    Thank you for your kind response.

    Here the intention is to share system generated reports. The basic expectation here is that reports needs to display all the inputs parameters on which it has generated the output, for clear reference.

    One wouldn't want to export all the transactions all the time to extract a simple report as it takes lot of time for the link to get populated (I still haven't received that link that I had requested days ago) and also not a best practice.

    Kinldy advise a simpler and a better way to have this sorted or get the contact / vendor field reflected in the report.
    Thank you!

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    Nilay_ShahNilay_Shah Member Posts: 10

    @Ryan_W said:
    Hey @Nilay_Shah, to get this level of specificity, I recommend exporting your data at Settings > Data Export; once you receive the file, you'll be able to open up a Detailed General Ledger file (amongst others) which give you more detail.

    Based on your recommendation I checked the data exporting option too.

    It just provides the data dump but does not still provide the vendor or Customers contact name for the respected expenses as desired.

    Outcome remains underachieved, Kinldy do the needful. Its a very basic and simple ask!!

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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @Nilay_Shah, can you tell us a little more about your business? The Purchases by Vendor report will have the vendor name attached to a list of expenses; the sales by customer report will do the same for customers, but the amounts shown will be a total of the transactions for that person.

    I'm curious why you require this level of granularity and if perhaps it's a regional tax reporting requirement. Thanks for any further information you can provide!

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    Nilay_ShahNilay_Shah Member Posts: 10

    @Sophia said:
    Hi @Nilay_Shah, can you tell us a little more about your business? The Purchases by Vendor report will have the vendor name attached to a list of expenses; the sales by customer report will do the same for customers, but the amounts shown will be a total of the transactions for that person.

    I'm curious why you require this level of granularity and if perhaps it's a regional tax reporting requirement. Thanks for any further information you can provide!

    Hey @Sophia, Thank you for your response and concern. what I mean to say here is that on extracting the reports (pdf / csv) there is no indication of the vendor / customer name, which is the input criteria on the basis of which the report is populated. As a standard system reporting practice, the report generated should specify the input parameters for clear reference as the same would be share across departments in an organisation.
    Kindly refer to the screenshot, here the input screen allows me to select the vendor name to run the report but however when the report is generated in PDF there is no reference of the Vendor in the PDF or excel. All we need is to reflect the vendor name (input selection parameter in the output pdf / csv file )
    However I dont see a strong correlation between the requirement and my business, but for you reference I'm a Project Management Consultant executing projects related to Business Process Management and Automation.
    Once again I appreciate your concern and looking forward to your kind response.

    edited March 15, 2019
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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Nilay_Shah. So the exporting feature in Wave doesn't include the vendor/customer associated with the specific transaction. This could be something that we implement in the future, but we don't have any immediate plans in doing so. Perhaps a new feature that we have recently launched (which is a Google Sheet add-on) could help you with this particular situation, although, you are unable to export transactions using this feature; https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on-

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    Nilay_ShahNilay_Shah Member Posts: 10

    @JamieD said:
    Hey @Nilay_Shah. So the exporting feature in Wave doesn't include the vendor/customer associated with the specific transaction. This could be something that we implement in the future, but we don't have any immediate plans in doing so. Perhaps a new feature that we have recently launched (which is a Google Sheet add-on) could help you with this particular situation, although, you are unable to export transactions using this feature; https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on-

    Hey @JamieD, Kinldy note the Google Add on is too slow, it takes ages to upload the data. I tried doing it couple of times but took over 20 mins just showing the status as uploading and then I just closed the browser,

    However my query regarding contact name display remains unresolved. Left Clueless!!

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Nilay_Shah. Not sure if you saw the first part of my response, but when exporting your transactional data, the customer/vendor isn't included in the CSV -- we don't have a process/workaround where this can be implemented other than the Google Sheet add-on that I've provided above. Do you notice that the page becomes slower with the amount of data that you are inputting? Have you tried splitting up the data into smaller portions, then importing it into Wave and vice versa?

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    ladiesclub2ladiesclub2 Member Posts: 1

    Previously, the general ledger report would include the vendor name. It seems with recent "upgrades" this was lost. Please bring this back to provide appropriate descriptions in the general ledger. A check number is not descriptive enough! I looked back at a detail general ledger I printed for 2018 last year and it included the vendor name--not so, this year :(

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @ladiesclub2

    My apologies that this feature is no longer available in Wave. Just curious if downloading your transactions in CSV format from _Settings > Data Export > Download all transactions_ might give you some the amount of information you're looking for. Unfortunately it's all of your transactions as listed in Wave that are not editable, however it's worth giving a shot!

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