New to Wave and observations

csajoviccsajovic Member Posts: 1

I use wave apps to my manage my 3 family investment property. I just switched over from using quickbooks online (QBO). I found QBO to be complex for my needs and spent an inordinate amount of time trying to keep my books straight. The move was straightforward and I got up to speed quickly and accurately. Here a couple observations I had.

  1. I accidentally deleted a couple transactions and was not able to find them anywhere in the system. I ended up reconciling my books to find the missing transactions and then manually entered them.
  2. I would like to force update bank transactions or at least know the last time my bank was synched.
  3. would like a bank register with running account totals.
  4. a quick 'add customer/vendor' would be nice. Shouldn't Wave require a customer/vendor for each transaction?
  5. Can't find transaction by amount
  6. Can't sort transactions by amount or description
  7. Can't bulk edit transaction details only category
  8. Can't bulk categorize income
  9. Transaction detail editor should be horizontal not vertical.
  10. I would like to pay vendors directly from Wave.
  11. Community forums is a mess don't try and reinvent the wheel. Fewer categories, Forums should be directly accessible from the main menu.


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @csajovic -- thanks for your feedback here! Appreciate the observations that you've made when utilizing our software for your business needs. I do have a few points to make of my own on some of the features you may have missed;

    1) Once you delete transactions in Wave, there isn't a way to rollback or retrieve them, you will need to re-add them back into Wave.

    2) There are two sections where you can see this, on the Dashboard as well as under the Bank Connections tab -- you should be able to select the 'Update Now' button on both sections and then also see when the last time would have been updated

    10) There currently isn't a way to pay vendors in Wave, however, you can pay contractors if that is something that you are interested in;

    Again, appreciate the feedback here -- some of the features you've requested have also been requested by other users, so our development teams are aware of this -- hoping to have a few of them added in one of our future roadmaps

  • motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    @csajovic said:
    11. Community forums is a mess don't try and reinvent the wheel. Fewer categories, Forums should be directly accessible from the main menu.

    As already noted, most of your requests are not available in Wave, Your last point resonates with many. Like you said, the forums here are an absolute mess.

    Oh, by the way, tell me how long it takes for you to get infuriated by the pop-up dialog box that appears each time you reconcile a transaction. Quickly reconcile multiple lines? Great, now you deal with multiple pop-up boxes. I swear there's a sadistic Wave software engineer that implements 'features' like this just to **** with us users.

    edited March 14, 2019
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