
Doesn't accept .no domain for customer website

pergogpergog Member Posts: 2

Trying to add a customer with a .no domain website, but the system will not accept it. It tells that www.waagene.no is not a valid website format.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @pergog! There seems to be a few, rarer domains that Wave struggles with, but there is a workaround. It should work fine if you write http://waagene.no, instead of www.waagene.no.

    The link will work just fine, too!

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    pergogpergog Member Posts: 2

    Yes Alexia, that works fine and when checking, it even works with http://www.waagene.no/, so the system must have a bug related to assigning the http://

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