
Job template

SuperflydiscoSuperflydisco Member Posts: 1

I have a band and would like a way to set up a job template of sorts. What would be ideal would be to have a jobs section with an overview of each job (show) that the includes a list of vendors expenses and revenue.
Each show (or “job”) we do has a fixed set of cost categories associated with it (personnel, advertising, production, meals, etc.) so a template would be ideal.
Is there anything like this?


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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Superflydisco Wave doesn't offer this type of job/project management accounting functionality. You can use it to track the wider inflows and outflows of income and expenses for these shows, and you'd be able to view this in a total, more macro way. But if you want to have specific views for each show you you put on, I don't really have a workaround to suggest, short of creating a new business profile in Wave for each show, where these transactions would be isolated to one profile at a time. You can add as many businesses in Wave as you like, although I get that this could get rather unwieldy to navigate between, depending on how often you'd have to bounce between them.

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