
Viewing Owner Investment / Drawings in the Cash Flow Report

Michael_Michael_ Member Posts: 1


I've been using waveapps for a while now and seem to have the hang of most things but my accounting knowledge is not the best so hoping for some advice regarding the Cash Flow Report.

I've been using the Cash Flow report to view my own and my business partners Investment / Drawings for specific periods.

For a normal bank transaction with the Category set to Owner Investment / Drawings the amounts are reflected on the Cash Flow report. However, when I do a journal transaction for the business to record an expense that was paid for from a personal account the transaction is not reflected under Owner Investment / Drawings in the Cash Flow Report.

I can however see the expense of the above mentioned journal in the Profit and Loss statement.

Should I be seeing the Journal transaction reflected in the Cash Flow report or is there a different report I should be using?


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Michael_ ! Simply put -- the cashflow report will show money that is flowing into and out of specific accounts in Wave (a regular transaction would display on the cash flow report because of this). In terms of journal transactions -- you are simply moving money around in Wave itself, there's no flow in our out of the bank account with a journal transaction (in real world), just the initial expense itself. Hope that helps!

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