
Custom reports

AnthonyMAAnthonyMA Member Posts: 16

I can't see an option to design custom reports. Is it possible? Maybe, there's an add-on??


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    AmandaKAmandaK Member Posts: 73 admin

    @AnthonyMA We don't currently have the option to design custom reports, but I'd love to learn more about what kind of reports you're hoping to create so I can share your feedback with our Product Team or point you in the right direction.

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    AnthonyMAAnthonyMA Member Posts: 16

    It's usually combining data from a few selected accounts (over a specified time), showing debits and credits, and being able to give the report a title.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thanks for the input @AnthonyMA ! In the meantime, the best course of action might be to export your report as a CSV and manipulate as required in an editor such as Excel or Google Sheets. If you'd like to share any other details regarding what kinds of insights you're looking for at a glance, we always appreciate the input.

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    RubenwollerichRubenwollerich Member Posts: 2

    This something i've been trying to do as well. Our situation is that we have different business units. So we have student houses that all operate with different and seperate costs. I would love to be able to see how each student house is doing on its own, without including costs like website hosting, gain/loss of currency exchange and income from other sources.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Rubenwollerich. In this particular situation, it might be beneficial for you to create each entity as a separate business (as in, have a business for each student house/rental property that you own). A lot of our users who are property managers find that this is the best solution in this particular situation (it's easy to track profits and loss based on the single business). The only downside, is that if you use the same bank account for all business and have that connected to Wave - all transactions will be imported into each account (and you will need to delete/go through the transaction to make sure is accounted for correctly).

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    RubenwollerichRubenwollerich Member Posts: 2

    @JamieD thanks a lot! Seems like a good idea.

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    Julia1Julia1 Member Posts: 7

    Hello Wave team!
    Thank you for the great program!
    I am also looking for the way to customize reports, especially how to include the notes in the Account Balance report? Now there is just a description of the transactions shown but not the comments that I do for each transactions?
    Thanks in advance,

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @Julia1 , thanks for your message & your wonderful feedback! I'm afraid it's not possible to customize the reports. They generate automatically from the rest of the app, and are not able to be changed or customized. As you've mentioned there, your transaction notes won't show in the reports, but if you click a transaction in a report, it will open the transaction on the Transactions page in a new tab where you can easily see the notes!

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    Julia1Julia1 Member Posts: 7

    Hi @CallieP!
    Thank you for your reply!
    I will be giving the reports for the external party and that's the reason why I would like to include those note in the reports. I wouldn't like to give them an access to my account. Is there a way I could export the notes in excel?
    Thanks in advance,

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Julia1! I'm afraid exporting those notes to Excel is not something that is possible with the reports/notes combination in Wave. Sorry for the inconvenience here!

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    Julia1Julia1 Member Posts: 7

    Hi @ConnorM its ok, thank you for your reply!

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    avmailavmail Member Posts: 2

    Is it possible to save the comparative period in the Profit and Loss Statement? Also need the comparative period option in the Balance sheet as well.

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @avmail !

    I'm afraid that this functionality is not available in Wave at this time. Sorry about this.

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    ArmindiloArmindilo Member Posts: 2

    Any updates on custom reports? It seems like a pretty basic feature of every other accounting/bookkeeping platform; I'm very surprised and disappointed that it's not available here.

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    MYOBMYOB Member Posts: 1

    I’d also love to see more custom reports, specifically filtered by Customer. Is anyone on your team working on this at all? I’m on the fence whether to stay with this software or look for something else.

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