
Language change

Johnnyrooney1Johnnyrooney1 Member Posts: 2
Hi I am using this app in Germany Berlin I would like to get it in actual German language can anyone help me? Email


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    golokagoloka Member Posts: 1

    Good day
    There is some option to change the language to Spanish

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    golokagoloka Member Posts: 1

    Good day
    There is some option to change the language to Spanish

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thanks for reaching out again! You can find available invoice customizations under Settings > Invoice Customizations if you'd like to modify the wording and language in your customer-facing communications. Wave itself is currently only available in English and this cannot be changed, though we're excited to be working with business owners from around the world! :)

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    PQEPQE Member Posts: 5

    Hello! I added my own words in Spanish under title, memo, footer, etc, where you can customize the invoice. However, when the automomatic emails go out, the wording on the emails is all in English. For example, on the receipts. I forget the actual wording - but it's something like,
    We have received XXX amount towards your invoice #9. You can always view your receipt online at xxxx.waveapps.com. Is there a way to change that part? I haven't started using the automation (which is a huge benefit of using wave) because it's all in Spanish. It seems like it would be easy for me to change it because i do it manually on each receipt but I don't know where to go to do that, so I am assuming I don't have access??
    I would be very happy to work directly with your programmers for some wording for a few of the most common emails if that would help.
    Thank you,

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @PQE, thank you for sharing!

    No, there isn't currently a way to automatically change that text on emails sent by Wave. It currently has to be done on an email-by-email basis.

    I'm happy to pass your feedback along to our product team. I can't promise that this feature will be added to Wave, but feedback from our users has a significant impact on what we choose to build next. Thank for taking the time to share!

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @EricBlade The PayPal integration is in need of some work, absolutely. Full disclosure, we are aware of the need to improve this functionality and are hoping to have something in the works for this year... but we still don't have any immediate plans/roadmap for this improvement. One thing I should mention though, we do have a new feature that should be beneficial for you in terms of importing your transactions called Wave Connect; https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on-

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    TurboDanTurboDan Member Posts: 2

    @JamieD said: "but we still don't have any immediate plans/roadmap for this improvement."

    Wow.. been reading Wave complaints about this for some time. Other Wave members have been stating. "we are working on it." Guess not. Really need to improve this. Just don't get it...

    For anyone running an eCommerce website, PayPal is a big deal.

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    Johnnyrooney1Johnnyrooney1 Member Posts: 2
    Email is Pflasterarbeiten-Landschaftsbau@gmx.de
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    pkubinpkubin Member Posts: 1

    It was a good (single) year. I started using you in 2018 for my 2017 taxes and you worked like a charm. But somewhere along the way you forgot about me, literally.

    None of my Paypal transactions downloaded after March 5, 2018, no matter what I tried (clearing my cache, changing the dates to upload, blah, blah, blah) which made you completely useless for the one purpose I started using you: my taxes. I read large numbers of user complaints and questions about this issue, and the support replies mostly went "you can upload your transactions with a pretty easy CSV file from Paypal, all you need to do is A, B, C," none of which provided adequate instructions. One user, "Mostly Dev," went so far as to create his/her own little bit of code to convert Paypal's form into a file that could be uploaded to Wave, but alas, it it no longer usable. Why did A USER need to create that? If they could, you should have been able to do that and much more. I also tried deleting/archiving my entire Paypal account in Wave and starting over from scratch. It uploaded ZERO transactions, only a Paypal starting balance from a date seemingly chosen at random.

    Wave, you had over 18 months to correct this problem, and you didn't. Your "workaround" solution was inadequate because it lacked detail enough to be executable. If you're wondering how big a deal this is for your business, please know that I am happily now paying $17/month for quickbooks, rather than getting heartburn from your broken product for free. If I sound angry, you get me. I wasted days of my life pulling my hair out over my taxes, only to be -- because of your product -- left further from the goal of getting them done than when I started.

    /waves hand at wave and then washes it.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @EricBlade appreciate it! :)@pkubin @TurboDan I've shared this explanation in another thread, but I'll repost it here so you have a little bit more insight into what's happening and what we're doing about it.

    The integration has existed for years and was built for a legacy platform. As a result, it works in a very specific way and is prone to issues if the connecting PayPal account has certain attributes, or if the integration is manipulated in certain ways (repeated disconnects, etc.).

    Limited troubleshooting is available for PayPal. To try to refresh your connection, navigate to Integrations and click on the edit icon to the right of the to edit that connection. You’ll be able adjust the date field to import from one day prior to the date you currently have listed. This may prompt a refresh of the connection. Refreshing the connection should not cause issues, but removing and re-adding it will create duplicates in your Chart of Accounts that require some effort to fix, so you'll want to proceed with caution.

    If this doesn’t work, the connection is in a broken state. You’ll be able to add your transactions to Wave using a CSV file that you can easily export from PayPal. First, download your history. You’ll notice that the PayPal file contains a lot of extraneous data. You’ll want to reduce the columns until you have Date, Description, Amount as follows:

    01/01/2015, Description 1, -250
    01/02/2015, Description 2, 550.50
    01/02/2015, Description 3, -120.75

    Due to the nature of the integration, fixing issues on a single business basis isn’t always possible. We hear you, we’re listening, and our team is working to better understand these issues, what we can do to improve the experience, and where we’re able to offer workarounds. We're also having conversations about how we drastically improve experiences like these in the long term, but these are more broad and it will take some time before we have more information to share with you. Thank you so much for any patience you’re able to extend our way in the meantime.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Johnnyrooney1. As of right now, our app is currently only available in English. This could be something that we change in the future, but we don't have any immediate plans in doin so.

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