Account Settings Feature Ideas


Discussion List

  • I have two feature suggestions: 1. Export/Import chart of accounts. This will simplify your setup of multiple companies using the same accounting system 2. Sort your chart of accounts by account ID. This will help you use GL codes and put them in order, because as you add more accounts, alphabetic by account name is not always the best sorting met…
    mneglia22 673 views 7 comments Most recent by designal May 31, 2022 8:37PM
  • Hello Wave Team, I'm using your great system since 2013 I would like to discuss a small feature that helps a lot to be implemented in Wave It is the Simple Project Management, Let me first explain my idea of it ( as it is not the normal project management way that all software are doing out there) if We have a tap Called Projects, I would link …
    Wanas 912 views 15 comments Most recent by HereForQuestions April 22, 2022 8:11PM
  • Hello, I'd like to request a feature to backup/export the whole account not just parts of it and be able to import this backup and restore the whole account to the backed up state. We have a new accountant who is still learning wave apps and can potentially cause a huge mess. We would like to be able to revert to a previous backup of all data on…
    pingo 690 views 5 comments Most recent by KatieMFritz March 29, 2022 8:48PM
  • Right now, my Balance Sheet and P&L are shown in alphabetical order. I would like to change the reports to be in the Account Number Order that I have assigned to the account. Thanks, gary
    gary_cms 113 views 0 comments Started by gary_cms February 25, 2022 3:38PM
  • I have to fully learned all this. Just the basics. So, is there a function that will automatically log payments. We have a few payments that are automatically taken out and it would be great if I could set them to auto on Wave as well. Thanks.
    llamattude 21 views 0 comments Started by llamattude February 20, 2022 5:25PM
  • Hadn't logged into Wave for a while, and when I did, it was importing income deposited into my personal as income where it NEVER DID BEFORE. Now I've got $120,000 worth of income for a $25,000 business. WTF? Can anybody help? Doesn't look like much gets answered here.
    wildy1 90 views 1 comment Most recent by Mikeg February 12, 2022 3:45AM
  • As wave can connect to bank accounts and see lots of sensitive commercial information about a business, I would like to have the option of using two-factor authentication (2FA), such as Google Authenticator, in order to provide an additional level of security when logging to wave.
    Seajays 4.2K views 120 comments Most recent by Wisecompany February 4, 2022 8:53PM
  • Is it possible to add a default setting, along with year end, etc., for Accrual or Cash accounting? I'm using Cash so I need to select that each time I view a report and at some point I'm going to forget :/
    SandyL 119 views 6 comments Most recent by NDLLC February 2, 2022 1:03PM
  • I would like to change my bank account information
    Shanto 1 view 0 comments Started by Shanto August 18, 2021 1:32AM
  • Is there a way to include my business email address in my profile settings so that it appears on invoices? If this isn't possible it seems like quite an oversight.
    highlevelwealth 497 views 11 comments Most recent by DevLBD June 10, 2021 9:03PM
  • Hey all! I'm a new user here, but I've actually come and gone on Wave Accounting for over a year. The last time I was here I saw this discussion on cryptocurrencies and just came back to see what had happened in the meantime. We didn't choose Wave last two times around because of the no crypto issue, and I am a bit surprised that there still isn'…
    PeterO 383 views 15 comments Most recent by AlexL May 7, 2021 8:23PM
  • I understand that I can double click on each transaction and add vendors. I'd like to then be able to see these vendors in the Transactions list, without double clicking on each transaction again. Is there an option to do so?
    MariaC_ICF 71 views 1 comment Most recent by KiahD March 25, 2021 8:54PM
  • I've seen several threads where this topic was brought up in 2018 / 2019. There were comments that this feature should be available "very soon". Is it available NOW? This should be standard security, given the sensitive banking / business information.
    CompassMann 98 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL March 18, 2021 5:35PM
  • I'm new to all of this and trying to set up my account. When uploading a receipt, it asks for Payment Account. How do I create a new one to show it was paid by my credit card? I'm not sure what Taxes Payable or Taxes Recoverable is?
    Elyse 21 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL March 2, 2021 4:09PM
  • This discussion was created from comments split from: What does Account Owner mean?.
    System 38 views 2 comments Most recent by KristenV February 12, 2021 8:42PM
  • There was a discussion about 1½ years ago about changing the colors of transactions. I would like to propose either the ability to set your own colors or just use parenthesis around withdrawals or other negative amounts. The dark-red for negative numbers is difficult for me to distinguish from the black for deposits. Thanks, David.
    davidc 1 view 3 comments Most recent by davidc January 12, 2021 11:07PM
    Hi there! Recently the privacy policy of the services was updated, and upon login into the application, I was met with a notice indicating me that has been the case. The notice said that the following documents changed and that I needed to review them. It then provided me a link to the Privacy Policy page. However, I think it would be useful to …
    JDR 11 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL January 6, 2021 5:34PM
  • Hi everyone, Here's a feature that would be useful. When the business changes its office's address, the change made on our account change all previous invoices (approved and paid). The change should only apply to new invoices. Would like to have this feature. Thanks for the great tool!
    JulienS 2 views 0 comments Started by JulienS November 23, 2020 10:59AM
  • Hi I would like to know if you can set up the collaborators account to only access the "SALES" TAB
    Gladex 83 views 16 comments Most recent by CHerbert October 1, 2020 10:41AM
  • I am a new user of Wave and I am starting to organize my chart of accounts and so on. There are a few things that I have ran into, that I just feel needs to be more user friendly. For example, the business type should be editable. When I first signed up, I didn't see the option (not sure if it was there at the time) I needed to set up the appropri…
    MrsThornton 64 views 5 comments Most recent by CallieP September 8, 2020 6:24PM
  • Hi All, over period of 2-3 years, there are so many tax created in system which are not used now. How can we disable those tax from apearing in tax list while creating invoice.
    megh9contact 72 views 4 comments Most recent by JordanD August 19, 2020 6:48PM
  • I need your help please and I can't find it in the discussions. My accountant has told me I need to re-class my Sales and Cost of Goods Sold(Purchases) into the right category/GL. Categories for my event costs should be Sales, Sales EU, Sales ROW, COGS, COGS EU and COGS ROW. However I already have my items categorised into say, marketing costs, …
    D1keandziggy_ 1 view 1 comment Most recent by JordanD August 19, 2020 6:43PM
  • I am new on WA. Please, help to integrate my eBay account to Wave Accounting. I cannot find any Youtube helpful videos. Thank you, Irin.
    Irin 1.3K views 1 comment Most recent by Barsin August 3, 2020 6:49PM
  • Is there a way to set approvals to the transactions. There should be a creator, checker and the one who posts transactions. A transaction should only editable by the user who posted it or another user at the same level.
    mhammadlatifACCA 31 views 2 comments Most recent by mhammadlatifACCA July 22, 2020 5:48PM
    Is there a way to export your search data? For eg. If I search for a particular amount or name etc in the acount transcations, Am I able to export this as an excel document?
    RST 3 views 1 comment Most recent by CallieP July 20, 2020 7:50PM
  • There are only, four access control options in the wave account. 1. Admin 2. Editor 3. Payroll Manager 4. Viewer These four access controls have predefined access which. However in some businesses, two or more bookkeepers are involved in different areas of transactions (like purchase or sales); so the owner needs to allow two different editors …
    nirzal 11 views 1 comment Most recent by ConnorM July 8, 2020 7:20PM
  • Is it possible to include all customer fields in the import template? That would be useful as it currently does not include Account number, State/Province, Mobile number, etc.
    mneglia22 26 views 2 comments Most recent by mneglia22 June 25, 2020 7:45PM
  • Accounting transaction should not deleted rather it should be rectified by adding rectification entry. Therefore, It will be better if the transaction will be locked after any of following two events; 1. reconciliation done by the user or 2. Transactions reviewed by the reviewer.
    nirzal 64 views 1 comment Most recent by JessG June 25, 2020 5:45PM
  • Generally in accounting transaction number should be unique for each fiscal year, therefore user usually expect account application to do so. Therefore it will be better, if we could introduce transaction number kind of field in accounting. Thanks for listening
    nirzal 41 views 1 comment Most recent by Barsin June 25, 2020 5:44PM
  • Hello Community, is it possible to change my invoices and receipts to French? Thanks in advance, Sylvia
    Sylvia_Ferro 178 views 1 comment Most recent by JordanD June 17, 2020 8:31PM