
Accessing transactions via GraphQL or Wave Connect

CharlesVCharlesV Member Posts: 2

I'm currently exporting data to a csv file and importing the "accounting.csv" into Google Sheets. I've registered a token and successfully queried data through GraphQL, so as more functionality becomes available I would like to query the transaction data. Likewise, I have tested the Wave Connect add-on and I am open to using this method if the option to request the transaction data becomes available. Are either of these methods on the radar? If not, may I make the request for them to be considered?


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @CharlesV. Could you please confirm exactly what you are trying to accomplish in Wave here? I just need to get a stronger sense so I can forward your question to the application support team regarding the API -- perhaps there's something that we can work with here.

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    CharlesVCharlesV Member Posts: 2

    Perhaps the easiest thing is to take a (test business?) account, export the data under Settings->Data Export->Export all Transactions as CSV, download the file contained in the e-mail link, unzip the file and take a peek at the "accounting.csv" file contained within. It is a treasure trove of information; for my business, this is what that I import into a Google Spreadsheet. I have functions in that spreadsheet that allow me to create a myriad of custom reports and graphs.

    I can do everything that I need to do, but every time I want to get the latest data, I have to perform a manual export of data and then a manual import of data. This is what I want to automate.

    I proposed a "GraphQL" solution because it is super flexible and looks like that is the direction your development team is headed. I think that based on what I've been able to do so far I have enough programming skill to make it happen if given access. If querying/mutating transactions is in your roadmap, then we have a common goal.

    I proposed a "Wave Connect" solution because it could appeal to a "non-programming" audience; in other words, provide the capability to download this information in the add-on. Not as elegant, but perhaps easier to implement.

    Lastly, the mechanism is already in place to create the "accounting.csv" export or table or query or whatever you want to call it. Without having any knowledge of the inner workings of your database, I just threw out the two options that came to mind. I am open to multiple solutions and I very much appreciate you reaching out to me. I will be happy to provide more information or answer any additional questions upon request.

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    wakewake Member Posts: 2

    Jumping into this conversation, I agree with CharlesV actually. It'd be great if:

    • Accounting information could be (seamlessly) exported and imported into an ongoing Google Sheets (or Excel) file -- Wave Connect is basically the answer, BUT it's missing (as Charles mentioned):
      1. "Transaction" export data, AND
      2. "Personal" account export

    It'd be great to know #2 is in the works (for those that also use Wave for personal funds management). And #1 would be great for flexibility. The raw transaction and accounting data is essential to performing sandbox/off-hand operations for quick insight into things.


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @CharlesV @wake I love the feedback that you've provided here. I'm more than happy to pass this along to our team that handles our API/integrations features. With that being said, we don't have a timeline as to when more public API information will be available to our users - or when we will have more options/functionality to the Wave Connect add-on (such as exporting transactions). Once we do, we will make sure that we update our users who are interested in this feature and the API, so I appreciate your patience here!

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