
Ability to Print Individual Transactions

ChuckBunnChuckBunn Member Posts: 5

I would like to be able to print individual transaction entries. I have been unable to find out how to do this. I have been told that this is not possible yet. I hope that a program enhancement can be made to allow the printing of individual journal entries.


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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ChuckBunn you're right that this isn't supported at this time, but I appreciate you taking the time to voice this here!

    Would you be able to give us a bit more context around this request? What function does printing individual journal entries serve for your business? What situations do you encounter which calls for this? Any and all context is appreciated so we can get a better sense of the need/want for this, and incorporate it into our longer-term plans for refining Wave!

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    ChuckBunnChuckBunn Member Posts: 5

    Some businesses require journal entry approval for certain entries. A copy of the journal entry has to be attached to the back up documentation supporting the journal entry before the approving officer can sign off on it. So, this is an internal control issue.

    Second, we have found that sometimes your journal entry software copies explanations from previous entry lines, replacing what was actually typed there. And, this does not get noticed until there happens to be a review of the account detail. If we printed the journal entry so that we can see the entire entry (due to the large number of lines), we would likely catch these mistakes and fix them sooner.

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    JC101JC101 Member Posts: 1

    I won't say this is just an internal control issue. It is necessary to double check whether the journal entry is recorded correctly especially by external accountants. Without the function of viewing or printing Journal entries is really absurd. It also does not allow accountant to fix tax amount for clients. It shows Wave is very inexperiend in accounting world and reality. I will never recommend Wave to my client any more. It is so short of BASIC functions and knowledge.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @ChuckBunn . Thanks for the constructive feedback here. Finding out how this contributes to our users helps build a better case as to why this functionality should be implemented within Wave.

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    Jacqui_EN_2018Jacqui_EN_2018 Member Posts: 10

    @ChuckBunn said:
    I would like to be able to print individual transaction entries. I have been unable to find out how to do this. I have been told that this is not possible yet. I hope that a program enhancement can be made to allow the printing of individual journal entries.

    The best work-around I have come up with is to take a screen shot and paste it into a Word doc. Then print the Word document.

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    ChuckBunnChuckBunn Member Posts: 5

    Thank you, but my journal entries are too long to take that approach.

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    ChuckBunnChuckBunn Member Posts: 5

    It has been several months since my original post. It appears that printing journal entries is not something on the update agenda. I have several small business clients that I have to recommend a new accounting software for use beginning January 1. Sadly, I cannot recommend a software that does not allow the printing of journal entries. I thought I would follow up on this issue to see if any change is planned.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ChuckBunn

    It does not seem to be a feature that our developers are likely to roll out soon. Just curious however, what if you were to head to your Reports > Account transactions report (GL) > Then filter the transaction by date to locate just that individual journal entry. Here you can export a data file like a CSV and you should be able to print this.

    Would that help?

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    ChuckBunnChuckBunn Member Posts: 5

    No, this is not at all acceptable. Your report assumes that only one journal entry is made on any given day. That is not normal accounting activity. So, it is not possible to isolate one journal entry. And, the report you provided above does not appear to give all the information from the journal entry.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @ChuckBunn

    My apologies that this was a sufficient workaround for you! At this time we have not heard any word of being able to print out transactions in Wave coming down our product pipeline!

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    DTHKDTHK Member Posts: 3

    I'm an accountant in Japan. Japan tax rule says a list of all journal entries is needed (general ledger is not enough). Therefore, Japanese businesses have to print it to PDF (or csv). I would like to recommend Wave to my clients in Japan because Wave looks great, but I can't...

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    DTHKDTHK Member Posts: 3

    I went to Settings/Data Export/Export all transactions for excel, and I could get all journal entries via email. This was exactly what I need. Thank you for the great software.

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    ShotsbyAlexShotsbyAlex Member Posts: 2

    @DTHK said:
    I went to Settings/Data Export/Export all transactions for excel, and I could get all journal entries via email. This was exactly what I need. Thank you for the great software.

    This solved my problem. I have to edit the descrpition to have "J/E" and then downloading all the transaction I was able to filter it by "J/E" and reorganize by dates.

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