Automatically Approve Payroll

jacsbuchananjacsbuchanan Member Posts: 5

Hi there, I only have 1 employee (myself) on payroll on a salary so was wondering if there is a way to just set Payroll to automatically be approved and paid on the day it is due? Thanks


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @jacsbuchanan - not yet, but I think this is something a number of users would really like to see, even as a feature that could be opted into. I'm going to submit a feature request now though! Tracking these sorts of things helps us and our Product Teams set priorities. To dig a little deeper, how would you like to see a feature like this? Would it always be automated and you could intervene if necessary? Or would it be automatic for a set period (kind of a pre-approval) but still prompt you to check-in occasionally to make sure figures were still correct?

  • jacsbuchananjacsbuchanan Member Posts: 5

    I think it would work best as auto-approval, but perhaps trigger an email or something along the lines of 'Your payroll for the period x-y has been pre-approved for $X. Click here to check it or make alterations'.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Appreciate the feedback, Ben!

  • jbiblajbibla Member Posts: 2

    strong +1 here.

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