
If Customer is Vendor in wave

waelaridiwaelaridi Member Posts: 3

Hello, I have one customer and in the same time he is my vendor,
I need report which can give me the balance

example: i have to pay him USD 2000, and he has to pay me USD 2200

I need report with the details and give me Balance USD 200


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @waelaridi .

    At the moment we don't have one report which houses both of these functions but we do have an Income by Customer as well as a Purchases by Vendors report which might work using them to compare balances. Can you tell me some more about your business? I'd love to get a better idea of your workflow so we know how this would contribute to your day-to-day processes.

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    waelaridiwaelaridi Member Posts: 3

    Hi @alexlewiszarkos .
    my work is tourism in UAE, we have B2B clients in UAE they arrange transportation and we arrange hotel bookings and excursions etc..., so we take from them the transportation and they take from us hotel bookings and excursions. and vise virsa

    this is one example

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @waelaridi . Because we don't have a report which will show you both, your best option would be to export the two Reports that I mentioned previously (Income by Customer and Purchases by Vendor) and manipulate the data / combine the reports so that you can view the difference. Alternatively, you can also just compare the totals by Customer and work out the difference on your own, as it depends on how in-depth you want your information to be.

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    waelaridiwaelaridi Member Posts: 3

    noted @alexlewiszarkos thanks for the support

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