
Transaction amount and running balance on transactions for a given account in the transaction screen

Ian_BIan_B Member Posts: 16

Hi, just a development opportunity. I appreciate it might be technically difficult but as a user it would be good to see the transaction amount relating to the account being filtered - I note that linked accounts show the total transaction balance. Also and even more importantly the running balance of the transactions would be great.


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    LizTheWhizardLizTheWhizard Member Posts: 1

    Can't believe this isn't a feature. Pretty important to be able to see the running balance of your transactions.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ian_B - I definitely agree, and thank you for the feedback! I'll take this over to our Product Team as well! @LizTheWhizard there is an account running balance available in the account selection drop down menu on the Accounting > Transactions page, but this will only show a current running balance. But I'll definitely be submitting account balances at a transactional level.

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    wadestebbingswadestebbings Member Posts: 2

    Hey there everyone. Admittedly, it's been a while since I've been on your side, and since the last time you've changed your User Interface. The older user interface for account-transactions, when I was in a particular account, like for a single bank or credit account, (I think that's what you're calling account selection drop down menu), it enabled a running balance. As it turns out, I completely relied upon this feature to do my accounting. Now, without it, I'm really struggling to figure out my accounts, and it is VERY tedious. Dropping this feature has a super negative impact on how I use Wave. Too bad.

    @samd - are you referring to the "current balance" for the account right there at the drop-down, but that balance appears completely unaffected by the filters and reviewed-status. Whatever you had before, please return it! I'm like getting nowhere with this tool for what I need.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @wadestebbings Appreciate the detailed feedback that you've provided with us here. Having a running balance (verified balance) is a feature that we took away in part of the migration, that is correct. I totally understand the need for it though for some of our business owners, verifying transactions and seeing the balance after each transaction is verified. Although, we've eliminated this in hopes that our new Reconciliation feature would be beneficial for our clients (we are also looking to improve this feature as well). The balance @Samd is referring to is the drop down on the Transactions page itself (for the balance of your accounts). Stay tuned for some new additions to the Reconciliation page, but we still don't have an ETA as to when these will be released.

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    wadestebbingswadestebbings Member Posts: 2

    Thanks, that confirms it then. I can stop looking for the feature that I was sure was there! LOL
    Yeah, missing that one really throws a wrench in my process, but I found another way, a very clumsy way, that requires two browser windows, one on a report view that I refresh, and adjust the date ranges. So at least I have a work-around.

    edited July 3, 2019
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    kipjohnsonkipjohnson Member Posts: 1

    It doesn't look like this feature of running balance has been added yet? Is it going to be - seems like an important thing to have.

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