auto-cat income transactions not working

MichelDegiveMichelDegive Member Posts: 2

auto-categorize works great for expense transactions but does not work for income transactions like bank deposits.

Why? Any way to turn that on?


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MichelDegive, not at the moment but it is something we're working on! Right now, auto-cat is limited to expenses because their categorization is a little simpler, whereas an income can be real income via revenue, an investment made my account owner or third-party, a transfer from another account, etc. But ideally I think we'd like to be able to offer an auto-cat function which streamlines the entire bookkeeping process for our users.

  • MichelDegiveMichelDegive Member Posts: 2

    I'd love it if you could implement this, I get zillions of square transactions to recon...

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