
Please remove redundant "Important Notice"

nadworksnadworks Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

Hi Wave,

I appreciate that you product is free, and I love it for that.

But for heaven's sake can you please remove this ridiculous "important notice" on top of my personal account, that has been telling me for the 18 (!!) months that "the budgets and investments features in your personal dashboard will soon no longer be available." — It's annoying, pushes the page content down and - since absolutely NOTHING has been happening - looks like something you simply forgot to remove. Every time I see it it reminds me that you are disorganised and not particular good at planning (or so it seems).

I contacted support about this a few times last year and was told that customers are being moved to "a new account layout gradually", but again, nothing changed for months and still hasn't.

Can you please please PLEASE remove this message until it commences to be pertinent?

Thanks, much appreciated.

edited March 29, 2019 in Wave Features


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    nadworksnadworks Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    @Wave, care to respond, please?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @nadworks . Very sorry about the delay in response here and thank you for reaching out about this. The removal of this banner currently isn't possible in Wave. For a long period of time now we've been working on moving our users over to our new accounting platform. It has proved to be a long process to move the entire cohort of old Wave platform users over while also ensuring that we can keep your data completely intact. For this reason, the process has been on going for a long time, and for the very same reason, we're unable to remove the banner as we truly do plan on having our users over to the new platform soon. When we can ensure that your data will be maintained as is, you'll be migrated over and budgets will be removed.

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    webwzrdwebwzrd Member Posts: 3

    It doesn't really bother me to see the message, but it's been another 5 months since @AlexL replied. Hard to imagine taking a couple years+ to make the switch, any ETA?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there, @webwzrd

    So, I'll be very honest, at the moment we've paused migration for classic users to the next version of wave. The reason is because our team who has been working hard on making sure that people's accounts have transferred over smoothly have noticed some issues when we've moved business owners. For example our accounts reconciliation is something we only recently upgraded as of last week. So this is a reason why we are on pause at the moment. Migration to the newest version of our software is going to be starting up again soon on an account by account basis. It's our goal to have every account moved over ASAP however we don't have an ETA as each persons account is so unique, and sometimes so complex. Thanks so much for your patience.

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    webwzrdwebwzrd Member Posts: 3


    No worries, thanks for getting back to me. Wave is a wonderful service and I am very appreciative of all that you do!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Thanks so much :)@webwzrd

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