Adding a delivery date to estimates

Daniel_CattellDaniel_Cattell Member Posts: 2

Hi all, this is my first post and first week using Wave for my new business.
Can anyone tell me if i am able to add a delivery date to my estimate? In my industry this is very important.


  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Daniel_Cattell, right now the two options for dates in an estimate are expiry date and invoice creation date. For the most part, creation date should usually correspond with the date the estimate was sent over to the customer, but you can always tweak this date afterwards if you need to account for customer viewing time or other factors. Alternatively, would delivery date be the time the product or service would be due to the customer on? If so, the best option (right now) would be to include this in the item description as an expected delivery timeline. If I've missed the mark entirely let me know! Also, if you have any feedback on how Estimates could be improved and how they could fit better with your workflows, I'd be happy to take it to our Product Team.

  • Daniel_CattellDaniel_Cattell Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for your feedback, yes i was referring to the manufacturing lead time as a delivery time. In my industry almost all the items we sell have a long wait for manufacturing so the customer really needs to see which item is going to be ready now and which ones later.

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