Changing the title of "P.O./S.O. Number"

We are building contractor, we need contractor number or project address or number for each invoice, any possible to change the tile name of "P.O./S.O. Number". we don't need this and better this column can be custom or add more column.
Hey @StevenChen - so more customizable columns and fields in the invoice header? I can definitely take this to our Product Team. We're looking at building out the functionality for our invoices, with an eye specifically to greater customization so stay tuned for developments!
Any update on being able to customize the P.O./S.O field yet?
Hi @Extremity26,
Thanks for checking in! I'm afraid that I don't have an update for you in regards to updating the P.O./S.O. field at this time. However, if you can elaborate a bit more on what information you're hoping/trying to add and/or convey on the invoice, we might be able to come up with another, suitable workaround.
It would be great t be able to change the P.O/S.O field to something else eg "Ref:"
Hi, I'm also interested in this as a feature. I sell a service which has no requirement for PO or SO.
But I do give a reference to each customer, which is named as REF.
I would this also so i can enter order status.. we need art approvals so stating that art is still pending wold be helpful.
Hey all! Thank you for your continued input and context here! It's definitely beneficial for us to have when we consider where our focus will be for upcoming improvements to the platform.
I agree. Reference number/text field would be great as this is used in so many cases to track payments.
I was just wondering if there had been an update to this issue? I also have a need for the p.o/s.o spot, but with a different title.
Hey everyone! Thank you for continuing to express your interest in this feature. For full transparency, we do not currently have this feature on our product roadmap and we do not know if or when this feature will be implemented. I want you all to know that we are not dismissing your feedback as we may revisit this feature idea down the line.
I came here in search of this exact query. as there really needs to be more customization to these invoices as I am finding that they are quite restrictive. I feel that something like this is a necessity.
I would love to see the ability to modify the label for this field as well as the ability to add an additional field that I can customize. Many of my clients need me to include my Vendor Number that I have been assigned by their accounting department as well as a second field that identifies the Project Name or Number. In some cases, I need a third field to add a PO Number but that is more unusual.
Here's an example of what I need:
Invoice Number: [field here]
Vendor Number: [field here]
Project Name and/or Number: [field here]
Project Grant Name and/or Number: [field here]
It would be amazing if the labels for the fields could be customized, because each one of my clients requires different naming conventions, based on the federal, state, or non-profit organization funding source.
Agree with this thread. It would be helpful to be able to add custom fields to a Bill (as well as Invoice). In my case, I'd add one called "Order Number" for use when ordering COGS from one of our vendors. I know this is a feature of Q-Books - I've used it - and it would be nice to see it in Wave.
Being able to customize all invoice fields (and add fields!) is critical. For example, most of my clients require a PO number and invoice number (which you already have, thank you!) but also require a VENDOR number.
There is a way to do this. On the bottom left of the Waveapps menu, Settings>Invoice Customization>Invoice Settings> Default Subheading, Footer, and/or Notes/Terms. Enter "Ref." Save all changes. Now, when you go to create a new invoice, you'll click on Business address and contact details, right below "Invoice" up at the top. "Ref." will be there. Even without doing all that, you can edit the big "Invoice" word and the subheading beneath it just by clicking in the box. Of course, entering something in the subheading through Settings first will keep you from having to keep entering "Ref.". I don't think you can customize it for just certain vendors other than by using it for some and not for others. When you do click Save All Changes in Invoice Settings, that option will gray out. To get out of that, just click on what kind of invoice you want, i.e. modern or contemporary.
Anyway, both the heading where "Invoice" is and the subheading seem to have unlimited character entry. I don't know how many characters will print, though. Still, you should be able to enter everything using those two lines. Alternatively, you could type "SEE ITEM such-and-such" and put the info you want on in an item description, but the other methods seem better to me.
Another way to do this is to replace one of the Column Headings with "Ref." or whatever you want. Settings>Invoice Customization>Invoice Column Settings. In the column heading section you want to replace, click Other and type what you want.
I hope it all works out for you guys.