
FinditFindit Member Posts: 1

Hi Guys, I create an invoice and save it and even approve it, but do not send it, then go on to the next invoice, but when I search for the invoice I have created and saved I get a message related to filters and can't find the invoice. Is there a tutorial that I can read through to come to grips with the process


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Findit.

    Absolutely. There's a few articles on invoices on our Help Center. I'd recommend this one.

    If you want to find your paid and drafted invoices, you'll have to change to a different tab, on the Invoices page. At the very top of your invoices, you'll see three tabs: Unpaid, Draft, and All Invoices. Choose All Invoices and you'll be able to see everything.

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