Chart of Accounts Import

There should be a way to import a Chart of Accounts via csv or Excel.
Already researched and saw this is not available.
Could save an extreme amount of time to be able to develop a COA in a spreadsheet and then import it.
Hey @jmiller_meaewellness, thanks for reaching out, I definitely understand what you're saying here and agree that this feature would be a real time saver, It is not currently available in Wave, but I would be happy to pass your feedback along to our product team!
Indeed. This is why I haven't actually started to use Wave yet. As a non-accountant, I need guidance from someone else for setting up a chart of accounts, but then there's no way to put it directly into Wave. Aside from manually entering everything they've written, the only way I can have them set up my chart of accounts is to give them access to my Wave. In this day and age, I don't know that I would trust that. With 40 years of IT experience, I know how easy it is to implement an import function versus how many opportunities for error there would be in manually entering all of the account information from a printed spreadsheet. This isn't just something for a "wish list," but an important, missing element that is preventing my getting started with Wave.
Hey @CottageOven. Thanks for giving us your feedback on this particular feature request here, something that has been brought up previously (as well as the ability to print the Chart of Accounts section). While there isn't any immediate timeline as to when this feature would be available, or even worked out.. we will still let out customers know of when these features would be available.
It shouldn't be hard to add this feature---especially when a business already has an existing chart of accounts from another accounting program ....and over 100 entries ...a PITA if I have to add them one by one. Judging from past posts, it's one of most often requested features.
Hey @USADBTreasurer
We appreciate your feedback however we haven't heard from our team on whether this is coming down the pipeline. Thanks again.
Is there any update on when Importing Chart of Accounts will be available? I can not believe after so many customer requestes in several threads on this topic since 2018, Waveapps is keeping us high & dry in 2021. Do you care to listen to customers?
@Gautam almost 9 months later and still no update on this.
I'm a big waveapps fan, but the lack of an Import of Chart of Accounts is a big dampener to adoption of waveapps.
If that was implemented I could see a lot of friends switching over instantly.