Payroll for NON US companies

chuck1rarchuck1rar Member Posts: 3

Is there a workaround to implement payroll if the country is not supported.
Meaning can u manually set income tax and pension ??


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @chuck1rar.

    Unfortunately, Wave Payroll is currently only available in Canada and in the United States. While we would like to expand the reach of Wave Payroll, it isn't something we expect to do in the foreseeable future.

    You can still account for paying your employees on the Transactions page, but calculating pension and income tax will have to be done outside of Wave.

  • chuck1rarchuck1rar Member Posts: 3

    I would have thought by allowing the business to manually set the taxes would be the easiest solution to enable for all jurisdictions

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @chuck1rar

    We appreciate this comment greatly and you're not wrong about allowing us to do this, however the major issue is that tax regulations can change dramatically and Wave's payroll team ensures that we follow strict accounting practices which update with each state or province that we service. You can in theory use Wave's transactions page to categorize your check payments as payroll wages if you wanted, however when it comes to calculating hours or pay, bank holidays, sick leave and other benefits or deductions, Wave must follow the updated information we collect from the CRA and IRS in order to ensure that your books are correct so that we don't muddy up your accounting and potentially have users run into issues with their federal government. Hope this answer makes sense!

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