Send all invoices

I am the Treasurer for a Cub Scout pack. I have each Scout's parent as a Customer with the scout's name as the account number. Some parents have 2 scouts. What this has done is create 2 Customers with the same number.
- I would like to know if there is a way to pull up all the invoices that the Customer has and send them out in one email.
- It would be nice when you search for a Customer that the display would include an account number column. Or be able to add the column to your display.
Please let me know if this is the most efficient way to have my Parents and Scouts set up in the system, or if I should modify my entries in some other way.
in Using Wave
Hey @scout_treas. There isn't a way to send a number of different invoices to one client in bulk at the moment.. this could be something that we look at altering in the future, but we don't have any immediate plans in doing so.
As for the customer display -- you should be able to enter in a number beside the name of the client to better organize and find out which invoice you should be sending out for which cub scout (you can also just put the cub scout in brackets for the Customer as well).