Standard memo not updating on old recurring invoices

Morne_07Morne_07 Member Posts: 2


I have added a Standard memo for my invoices but for some reason this is not appearing on the old recurring invoices only on the new invoices i create.

is there a way to update all the invoices because there is a lot to go and recreate all of them ?

Please can someone assist me.



  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Morne_07 . The way that the recurring invoice generation works is that it's based off of any of the information that's inputted / exists at the time of creation. To have the recurring invoice update info, you have to manually change the info or recreate the invoice. . Because your recurring invoices are basing their data off of when you didn't have the standard memo added, and the standard memo is not an actual setting in the recurring invoice that can be changed, you will have to recreate your recurring invoice so that it sends with the new standard memo moving forward.

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Is there any update to this ? I too would like the ability to update the standard memo field, and have it retrospectively apply to all recurring invoices. Having to recreate these when the memo field is updated would be quite a time consuming process.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Billy . No update to this and it isn't currently on the Product team's roadmap I'm afraid.

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Hi @AlexL , Is this roadmap publicly available? would like to understand what you guys are working on.

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    For some back ground, this question has come about due to the lack of information from wave regarding Bank Connection with HSBC.COM.AU that has been unable to connect for about 10 months. Our bank details are contained in the notes field, and we have about 80 recurring invoices that all need to be individually edited with new bank details. Little frustrating as i think you will agree. We were hoping that the connection would be fixed, but as we continue to hear nothing its starting to get to the stage we need to change bank and manually edit all of these invoices.

    edited September 23, 2019
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @Billy The roadmap is not publicly available.

    Got it, thanks for supplying the reasoning behind this. What steps have you tried to reconnect because from what I can remember, our HSBC issue was solved a few months back. I'd recommend totally disconnecting and reconnecting your connection to ensure you've tried everything you can.

    In regards to the invoices, this is definitely frustrating. I actually had someone reach out over a similar situation yesterday where they had to change just as many recurring invoices so this seems to be a request that we do get from time to time. I'll put it on the team's radar so they know that people are reaching out about it.

    Thanks again.

  • BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Thanks @alexl, I have looped you into a more relevant post regarding HSBC, so as not to hijack this
    issue which i feel also needs attention from Wave. thanks

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