Total not updating when entering new expense or income.

lunnaralunnara Member Posts: 2

Is Wave currently down or is this just my issue? I was entering a bunch of expenses and income perfectly fine and then suddenly, the total stopped updating. The expenses/income entries are still being saved, but not updating the total. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @lunnara . Were you able to get this to work? If not, can you provide me with some more info? I'm assuming you're manually inputting this info into the Transactions page? Which account are you adding these entries to, and which account balance is not updating?

  • lunnaralunnara Member Posts: 2

    Hey Alex. It ended up updating the total a little bit later. Thanks for your reply!

  • RSLSecretaryRSLSecretary Member Posts: 1

    This is still an issue.
    It happened to me on a few random occasions, I edited and reset the accounts in the transaction and it fixed itself.
    But now it doesn't want to update at all.
    The Balance sheet report shows the correct total, but the Accounting->Transactions tab shows the wrong total.
    It may be set to the date on the local server time - not the client time. If so then it is looking at the last total from the day before, not the last actual total.
    It is still annoying when you are checking to see if you entered everything correctly.

    edited April 28, 2021
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @RSLSecretary , can you send us some screenshots of the amounts that you're comparing and these discrepancies that are showing? That would help us evaluate the situation.

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