CAF logon

BKLtreasurer123BKLtreasurer123 Member Posts: 3

I have had trouble connecting to CAF Bank, it says there is a problem and try in a few days, its now been two week and i still cant connect to my bank?????????


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BKLtreasurer123, I'm not seeing CAF coming up as an option in the Bank Connections page. Do you mind clarifying your exact financial institution so I can check out if there are any known connection issues with our data provider? Thanks!

  • BKLtreasurer123BKLtreasurer123 Member Posts: 3

    The CAF Bank comes up on the list
    Charities Aid Foundation (UK)

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @BKLtreasurer123 thanks for clarifying that! In this case, I'm not seeing any widespread connection issues with Charities. I recommend checking out our troubleshooting guide which also gives you a bit more context about how our data provider maintains these connections, and options for getting your transactions into Wave in lieu of a temporary connection issue.

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