
How to find Invoices after they are paid??

E7ikaE7ika Member Posts: 2

So Invoice is paid and merged with a bank transaction.

Where does the Invoice go?? How to open to print??? It was an option but seems it vanished and I cant see all Invoices list just like - receipts or bills, once you go there you can see the list of all but not for Invoices..


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    James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey E7ika,

    You can find all of your paid invoices by clicking on the "All Invoices" tab in the "Invoices" page!

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    spodspod Member Posts: 1

    Message deleted. I was being obtuse. :):)

    edited May 9, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happens to the best of us, @spod!

    If you need help with anything else, or just want to chat with other Wavers, you're more than welcome to stick around!

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    ediblemaineediblemaine Member Posts: 2

    Question: What if I want to view just the PAID invoices? When I click on Status I can filter by "Unsent, Sent, Viewed, Partial, Paid, Overdue and Draft" but the PAID and DRAFT are grayed out and it won't let me filter by only those two. All others I can filter by. Any idea?!?

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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @ediblemaine,

    The PAID and DRAFT filter options are greyed out if you are currently on the Unpaid invoices tab. You will first have to switch to the All Invoices tab to access the PAID and DRAFT filter options.

    Please refer to my screenshots below for what you should be seeing!

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    ediblemaineediblemaine Member Posts: 2

    Oh no. I feel like such an idiot. :o)

    Thank you.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    You aren't the first one to lose track of those invoices, @ediblemaine!

    I'd actually be curious to know how we could make this more obvious, in your opinion. We're always hunting for feedback from our users, and I'd love to have your take here.

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    KenjKenj Member Posts: 27

    Just like Receipts in transactions, it would be great if we can attach any contract which is linked to the invoice as a reference just like Reeipts - Transactions. It would offer a clearer invoice with cross referenced contract agreement number, even for recurring bills. That clients are aware what they have signed up for as well.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your feedback, @Kenj.

    I've seen a few other users make similar suggestions, and the ability to attach contracts to an invoice does sound like it could be extremely useful. I'll make sure pass this along.

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