

almushthafaalmushthafa Member Posts: 1

I have an idea that programmer can make Import Data feature from other application. Such as import data from Tiny Invoice or applications such as his.

Users no longer bothered input data Customer, Product and Sales

How about that?



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    NEOHNEOH Member Posts: 1

    I am interested to know the solution too, as I have thousand of products to key in as input, please advise.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @almushthafa, @NEOH.

    We're also thinking about this! We'd love to expand our integrations and we're always looking for ways to make the lives of our users a little easier. I'd recommend keeping an eye out for announcements regarding integration with new software.

    Can you tell us a little bit more about what you do and which other software you use in managing your business? What would you want to be able to do with does softwares in relation to Wave?

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    ATIATI Member Posts: 1


    We are wanting to integrate websales and transaction payments to wave . How would this be possible? Is tghere an API or Web Services?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @ATI.

    No, there's no API for Wave at this time. It has been on our mind, because we do want to offer better integration options to our users, but for now, we don't have one.

    We are working on a web Checkout system which will integrate with the rest of Wave. You can read about it here.

    Can you tell me a little bit more about your business? I might be able to offer some help in how to manage your online transactions with a bit more information.

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    sskssk Member Posts: 0

    Is there a way to import unique descriptions, quantities, and unit prices from Google Sheets or Excel for invoices?


    edited August 31, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ssk.

    There currently isn't a way to upload invoices to Wave from spreadsheets. Could you tell me what you would like to do with a feature like this one? Are you just trying to upload invoices created before you joined Wave to Wave?

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    ffccargoffccargo Member Posts: 1


    I want to add other dependent attribute i.e weight column and Calculate amount should be editable.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ffccargo.

    Could you tell me a bit more about your business and your workflow? It'll give us a better idea of the importance of a feature like this one to businesses like yours.

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    RVFmalRVFmal Member Posts: 2

    Is there a way to import products from a .csv format?

    edited August 29, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @RVFmal.

    There's currently no way to import a product list to Wave. Are you new to Wave and looking to import a large list of products?

    If your individual invoices aren't too complex, you can add products directly from your invoices as you build them. That way you can slowly rebuild your product list has it comes up.

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    RVFmalRVFmal Member Posts: 2

    Hi @Alexia

    I am looking at using the Wave platform, but there are a few things I would like to confirm before moving to it in its entirety.

    The product list is rather large (componentized and stand-alone). Unfortunately it would take a fairly long time to add each of these manually.

    Kind regards,

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your interest, @RVFmal.

    I do hope this won't turn you away from Wave entirely! If you have any other questions, I'd be more than happy to offer my help.

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    rudwanrudwan Member Posts: 1

    i'm using QuickBook Online , but i would like to immigrate all my records from QuickBook To Wave m including (Jouranl Entries , Bills , Expenses ,, etc )
    how to import it all to wave

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @rudwan.

    We do have a guide for moving over from Quickbooks. You can find it here. You won't be able to simply move all of your data over at once, but that guide will give you a good place to start.

    Once you've entered the data you needed to move to Wave, save everything you can from Quickbooks for your records, and then you'll be ready to use Wave exclusively!

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    terehinojosaterehinojosa Member Posts: 4

    I need this feature too

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @terehinojosa.

    Can you tell me a bit more about your business? Do you frequently add multiple products or services to your list, or would that just be something that would make setting up your account easier? What kind of products and services does your business offer?

    Wave is built with businesses that offer services in mind first, so features for managing inventory or a large number of products are unlikely to be prioritized in the foreseeable future. With that said, we're always happy to learn more about your business and receive your feedback.

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    AlexFreemanAlexFreeman Member Posts: 1

    Hi Alexia,
    I would really love to see a great deal of automation in Wave accounting. Here are some, but not all from my wish list:

    • Importing Bills from a CSV file
    • Recording a bill-payment: a bill and its payment in one transaction and import of such bill-payments from a CSV file
    • Importing Invoices from a CSV file
    • Importing customer payments and other income from a CSV file
    • Importing Journal entries from a CSV file
    • Importing Expenses from a CSV file

    !!! And now the most important:

    • Enable an API, so we can get rid of the CSV files alltogether and hook up to our or third party WEB service. I don't mind if you make this as a paid service.
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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi Alex,
    Thanks for your feedback on the kinds of data you'd like to be able to import or enter into Wave via an API.
    We are working towards releasing a public API. If you'd like to be notified when our Beta program launches, please register at https://developer.waveapps.com/.
    Thanks, Paul

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    CruCorCruCor Member Posts: 0

    Is there any way to import products into Wave using CSV or similar?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @CruCor,

    No, there isn't currently a way to import a product list to Wave. Your products will have to be added manually. If it's more convenient, you can add new products directly from the invoice or bill creation page as needed. Those products will be saved to your Products and Services page when you do.

    Can I ask for a bit more details about the circumstances around this question? Are you new to Wave and have a lot of products to account for? What kind of business do you run?

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    FoamHomeFoamHome Member Posts: 2

    I need this feature - even 50 products, creating item by item, is time consuming!

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    Shane1857Shane1857 Member Posts: 1

    Any progress in adding an cvs product import function?

    FYI I sell beverages. Each beverage sells in 8 different volumes, from 200ml bottles to 50L kegs.

    So for even just 10 products, that is 80 different variations. Maintaining such a list is very time consuming with a high chance of errors. Much safer if I could upload a new csv file every time there is a product or price change.

    Edit: Just realized each product item has multiple prices depending if it's being sold directly to consumer, retailer, wholesaler/distributor or manufacturer, so even more price variations, argh!

    edited November 7, 2018
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    merlmerl Member Posts: 4

    Will just have to chime in on this to, its a long term bear thats bugging me about wave. Personally, I can't believe its not been implemented already or that there seems to be a really fixed view that this is not important. In a world where people sell a variety of products to a variety of people with even more variety in the variations of those products. How is making the ability to add a businesses products like pulling teeth an acceptable aspect to accounting software.

    It's right up there with the insanity of having to manually create bills instead of being able to enter both sale price and billing price on the product and so have a quick way to see whats sold for how much, what it cost and the profit margins involved. It's like selling chicken soup without a chicken. I'm torn by wave because there are many things i like about it but some fundamental options seem to be treated like a burp in the wind. Totally illogical and surely accounting software should be all about the logic. In addition, its 2018, ok we havent flying cars but we should have accounting software that recognises the real need for efficiency. How is a business expected to flourish if so much time is spent doing accounting work.

    It's incredibly frustrating because these features that make using wave a dreadful experience are not even high on the radar for offering a solution. All I see when admin respond is a cartoon in my head with a person shrugging their shoulders.

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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @FoamHome @Shane1857 @merl I completely understand where you are all coming from. This is an area that our Product Team have been looking into, and we are working towards providing additional solutions for importing data to Wave in early 2019.

    @merl This is a thoughtful response and I feel that our teams would really appreciate your input. If you would like, you can sign up to become what we call a Wave Innovator. What this would entail would be exactly what you've done here: giving us your honest opinions about our product and potential new features. We would then work with you on the information that is provided to us.

    You can learn more here: https://www.waveapps.com/research

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    javieryjaviery Member Posts: 1

    This feature is a must for businesses buying & selling physical products.

    Please implement an option to import products from a csv file.

    Ideally, we could upload both cost and sale price in the same file.

    This will allow us to maintain accurate records online, as well as simplify the sale and purchasing process.

    Other than that, we are loving the application.

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    RodrickMRodrickM Member Posts: 2

    Hi, @Alexia,

    I have a similar case with more than 1000 records to import.
    I need the ability to import a preformatted CSV file?

    If you perhaps provide the service as an internal activity, I would be happy to engage.


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @RodrickM. As of right now, there isn't a way to upload a Product & Service list internally through Wave (or externally for that matter). This is a feature that has been heavily discussed though, and in your specific case (with 1000 products/services), entering them in manually proves to be quite the tedious task. This could be something that we implement in the future, but we don't have a definite timeline of when this would be available.

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    fs0fs0 Member Posts: 1

    Ah! How is this not an option. I'm in the process of evaluating software for our recurring invoices. Maybe I'll revisit if this is implemented.

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    rmeralirmerali Member Posts: 5

    I finished uploading products to one business....is there an easy way to transfer them to another business in my profile?

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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hey @rmerali at this time, there isn't a way to import products into your business profiles. However, we have been working at a solution for that! (although, I don't currently have an ETA I could provide for that)

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