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    WickedWicked Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    I Always save my receipts in Dropbox or Google Drive Folders seperated by Month.

    It would be great If I could sync a Year Folder or so with Wave Receipts Engine so I can quickly handle my Receipts and stay in control of my receipts without uploading everything to Wave Online.

    Please add this feature - import/ bulk from Dropbox, Google Drive or General Bulk Import and OCR Function.


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    rehanrehan Member Posts: 0

    I am administrating a small weekend school. Need to create invoices for students every month or so. All of them are the same. Why do I need to repeat the (almost) same entries manually? Ideally I should be create the entries in an excel sheet and import it.

    One of the easiest and most obvious things that one expects from computers is the ability to do the same stuff again and again saving manual work. It is a shame that this simple ability has not been prioritised for so long in Wave. I do understand your rationale for prioritising business features but this is such a simple and useful thing. I can only guess that most businesses may not have realised how useful and powerful it can be import invoices, bills and apply the same action to multiple items at once.
    And to be honest it is one of those things that can be easiest to implement.
    This may be excused if there was api access for other resources than just customers...

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    nathanjshaffernathanjshaffer Member Posts: 2

    I would like to expand on this. I struggle with uploading reciepts in large numbers. If I do it from the app with the camera, it is great. But when I am uploading say amazon invoices or other online retailers where I could have 20 or 30 at a time, it is not only tedious to upload one by one, it can be difficult to keep track of which one I am on in the directory. I love the ability of Wave to scan digital invoices, it would be nice if I could say, package them in a zip file and just send them all, or just select them all. From a JavaScript standpoint, it should be simple to send each file as a separate API request so nothing on the receiving end needs to be changed.

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    LidiaLidia Member Posts: 10

    I would also like to add the request for a bulk export of invoices. My accountant wants to see a list of invoices for each semester and I have to do export every single invoice one by one (instead of selecting a date - range and export all the invoice .pdfs in a ZIP file). Our business has many invoices of the same amount, it's a pain to go one by one...

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    Eric_Vey9Eric_Vey9 Member Posts: 2

    You may want to look at a new Google Sheet add on called Wave Connect. It bulk imports and exports invoices. It's in the google sheets store, I think. I got it from a link in a post here.

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    drinkonlyscotchdrinkonlyscotch Member Posts: 1

    Please tell me this is a joke. Importing products is the FIRST feature you should worry about. If I can't get all my products in the system, it's worth absolutely nothing to me. And no, I'm not going to add them one at a time. We have well over a hundred items with 12 sizes for each item. Speaking of sizes, there's no column for that. I suppose I can use SKU as "name" and name as "description" but then there's no column for entering the size. Sure, I could enter a line item for each size, but then a typical order would have hundreds of line items and take forever to complete.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the feedback @rehan and @Lidia and I will pass it to our Product Team. I can confirm it is something we're looking into at the moment, and we're also working on some improvements to invoices in general. I believe the best workaround at this point is Wave Connect, which @Eric_Vey9 mentioned (and thank you for bringing it up!). It's a very new feature with Wave, but you can learn more about it here: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on-

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @drinkonlyscotch,
    Product Upload is now possible via our Wave Connect add-on for Google Sheets.
    It does seem like you have a requirement to manage a very large number of SKUs and sizes (and colours?). This is really not a use case that Wave was designed around, so you may find it more effective to delegate this level of detail to your inventory management system and compose the product variant attributions into the Description field of each invoice line item. (Wave Connect can also bulk-upload invoices.)
    Hope that helps!

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    WebtaskrWebtaskr Member Posts: 3

    I am unable to upload products in bulk using sheets which have more than 1 tax rate

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Webtaskr. I've just spoken with my integrations team regarding this and apparently, there is a hidden feature that allows you to add multiple taxes to the line items in Wave. All you would need to do is the following; Simply enter a list of the tax abbreviations you want, separated by commas:
    TAX1,TAX2,TAX3… You will just want to make sure that the abbreviations are exactly as you have set it up in Wave (since you will be typing them in, instead of selecting from a drop down).

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    WebtaskrWebtaskr Member Posts: 3

    I did the exact same thing @JamieD but unfortunately the upload skipped the tax type and listed all the products without any tax type. I had to remove all the products 1 by 1 as we cannot delete products in bulk too. :neutral:

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Webtaskr . I just tried this out on my account to confirm whether it works or not. It seems like it will only work if there are NO spaces in between the commas, so as Jamie said, it would need to be added as Tax1,Tax2 etc. If you have spaces, the system will not pick up your taxes.

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    WebtaskrWebtaskr Member Posts: 3

    Ohh wow thats great.... It works... thanks @JamieD and @alexlewiszarkos

    Any idea about deleting products in bulk or recording payments in bulk. ?

    Also i am in India where tax laws had recently changed.
    The Invoice format required has alot more info needed than what we get in wave.

    Some Vital columns needed here in India is

    1. HSN Code of each product.
    2. Tax Rate visible for each product.
    3. Tax amount visible for each product.
    4. Tax lookup based on the customers state. like IGST for states out of home state, CGST forCentral and SGST for states
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Webtaskr . Currently, there's no way to bulk delete products or bulk record payments in Wave. These must be done on an individual level. In terms of needing more space to add information to your invoice, you can always customize the name of any pre-existing columns to something else by going to Settings > Invoice Customization. Additionally, you can add any other necessary information in the Notes section at the bottom.

    The team is working on a more nuanced invoicing product, but until it's implemented into the software, these are your best options for providing additional info in your invoice.

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    harpersferrytailsharpersferrytails Member Posts: 5
    Hi, If I transfer over to Wave and I figure out how to get the tax1,tax2,tax3 thing above sorted
    1) will they remain optional on all future invoices?
    2) can they be renamed Ranson, Charles Town, Bolivar, etc? I don’t have to remember which is which do I?! That invites disaster.
    Is it configured to tax the service (in my case) before the State tax that is applied when the extra tax is added? In our case, US, WV, certain towns pay added tax inside town limits. Don’t worry- I’m not expecting anyone to do that. :) I know where they are and who to charge what.
    While I have you, anyone figured out how to get my personal account out of here? I was trying to add Spark and it added my personal account. I’m probably going to switch banks or start a personal account and call it biz. Spark BAD!
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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    @harpersferrytails Hey Suzi! :smile: Once your taxes are added to your account, you will have the option of adding any of them to the invoices you create. You can also rename your taxes to what you need by navigating to Settings > Sales Tax > Edit icon. You can add any of your sales taxes to the products/services you create.

    In regards to your bank connection, can you submit a ticket with us Here we can definitely look into things for you on our end! Thanks :smile:

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    harpersferrytailsharpersferrytails Member Posts: 5
    Thanks. I’m having a hard time finding responses. Not seeing anything telling me I have them but saw this email. Thanks. I’m still switching from CapOne Spark (ugh).
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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @harpersferrytails

    You mentioned:

    While I have you, anyone figured out how to get my personal account out of here? I was trying to add Spark and it added my personal account. I’m probably going to switch banks or start a personal account and call it biz. Spark BAD!

    Are you able to further explain where you are trying to remove the account from in Wave? Are you referring to the bank connections tab or from your chart of accounts?

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    dandiesdandies Member Posts: 5

    How about you at least add an option to copy a product? That way I can add product A B and C that only marginally differ a lot faster. Kind of like you made it possible to copy transactions.

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    RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    @CruCor, @RodrickM, @rmerali, @dandies

    If you have a google account, you can take advantage of our Google Wave Connect plugin which allows you to upload to Wave and download from Wave. This means you can upload your lists, download them from one business and move them to another, etc. There are some limitations so take a look at the guide and check out if it works for your needs.



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    nathanjshaffernathanjshaffer Member Posts: 2

    @Eric_Vey9 said:
    You may want to look at a new Google Sheet add on called Wave Connect. It bulk imports and exports invoices. It's in the google sheets store, I think. I got it from a link in a post here.

    Unfortunately this is not what we are requesting. The Sheets integration doesn't have anything to do with uploading receipts. Aka uploading pictures/scans/invoice attachments and having wave use its OCR capabilities to scan the receipt and create a corresponding transaction.

    With the Sheets Add-on, you would have to look at each receipt and manually enter, or import from a bank statement.

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    harpersferrytailsharpersferrytails Member Posts: 5
    Hi @JordanFromWave
    Sorry I’m so behind. Yes. I intend to use Wave for the business only, so there’s no reason to link to my personal accounts. It’s just another potential risk with no benefit. Since CapOne Spark doesn’t play well with Wave anyway, and they are constantly deleting standard banking services, I am switching banks. It’s a process but I’m getting there slowly and I deleted the CapOne info. I’ll add the new account soon and start getting everything rolling. Are there tutorials? I need any help I can get. Thanks
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    ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @nathanjshaffer Ya, it's true that the mobile app and emailing receipt functions aren't really designed to upload many receipts at a time. You can bulk upload invoices using Wave Connect though!

    For those many expense transactions associated with those receipts, you can upload a bank statement or bulk import these transactions using Waving Connect. We're listening about bulk Receipt uploading though! Thanks for weighing in on this.

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @harpersferrytails, thanks for getting back to us! We don't currently have any tutorials but I would be happy to point you in the direction of some of our Help Centre articles just like, https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005541303-Understanding-bank-connections
    I would be happy to answer any other questions you have! Thanks.

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    CarcosaClubCarcosaClub Member Posts: 1

    Any update on this? Using wave for actual ecommerce is a non-starter if I have to enter 1000 products manually.

    edited September 23, 2019
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @CarcosaClub

    As Rahim mentioned above, our Wave connect tool is a really great tool to upload your products and services into Wave using a google sheet. I've attached some screenshots of the upload options you have to upload into Wave.

    Check it out and hopefully this will help you!


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    JPessolaniJPessolani Member Posts: 4

    Being able to import bills via Google Sheets would be a huge time saver.

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