
Delayed uploads from app & email

vanclarkvanclark Member Posts: 3

Hi Wave community. Is anyone else experiencing delayed uploads from email and the receipts app? Like a few days have passed and nothing yet. Any ideas? (or heads up about a thread about this? I might have missed something when I searched)



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @vanclark

    Depending on quite a few details, there can be delays in uploading receipts through the app or through email. We're always working on ways to make the process smoother, but for now, you are right, it can take a couple of days.

    The fastest way to process receipts is to do it directly on the website, so when time is of the essence, I would recommend going that route.

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    phototracyphototracy Member Posts: 10

    Hmm, that's too bad that the app is not as smooth.

    @Alexia you mentioned that it can take a couple of days, but I have a few receipts from a couple batches that have been stuck for 2 months! The worst is that I can't delete them while they're stuck in "Processing".

    Is there any way to remove these?


    edited March 7, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @phototracy,

    Occasionally, receipts will get stuck in processing. We took a look into your account and nudged those stuck invoices forward. Can you check you account and see if everything's there?

    We are always working on improving our apps, and the process of uploading receipts through the app is going to get smoother and smoother. I would recommend making sure that your app is up to date, however.

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    lmarshlmarsh Member Posts: 1

    I have several receipts stuck in the que and not syncing. What do I need to do?

    edited March 7, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @lmarsh, we checked on our end and there doesn't seem to be anything stuck.

    Are you using the mobile app to upload your receipts, or are you sending them in by e-mail?

    For the mobile app, sometime, you just need to reload the page by pulling your pending receipts down.

    edited March 12, 2018
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