Using the Vendor on each and Every Transaction

In order to have good record-keeping I feel I need to add a Vendor to each transaction. However, since adding the Vendor is an additional step and slows down data entry, I am wondering If I should stop using the add vendor feature and only use it for important Vendors.
Would be nice if the vendor could show up in-line with the rest of the transaction
Is anyone else trying to tag every transaction with a Vendor?
Hey @tekfranz. Just to continue the discussion a little bit here -- what you are doing in Wave (in terms of adding a vendor to each expense transaction), is this simply a personal preference? Or is this a requirement in your particular jurisdiction?
There is no requirement. It is mainly a personal preference. My goal would be to pull up any vendor and see all items purchased from them on a report. Also, it seems like the data being created on the back end would be more complete if the Vendor was populated.
The well worn example is Amazon. If I assign Amazon as Vendor I need to take the extra step and add Amazon to many transactions throughout the month. However, in the description is also a reference to Amazon which may change based on Amazon's Payment Processing System.
So my question is this, is it even worth it to tag Amazon as a Vendor if it is in the transaction description anyway? I wonder if I should just save the Vendor function for more Important Vendors and larger Purchases and just skip it for smaller purchases in favor of reducing the number of steps I am taking?
Hi @tekfranz . This is really a personal preference I would say. It sounds like you already have this one figured out, so in this case I would definitely agree that it reduces the amount of steps taken if this is just preferential.
Yes all is well. Could feedback be submitted to include the vendor field inline in the transaction list? One click less would be nice. And of course automatic vendor matching at some point would be great as well.
Thanks for your hard work!
Hey @tekfranz, thank you for the suggestion and we will definitely pass it it along to our Product team!
I'll second this request - it would be so much easier to be able to add a Vendor directly from the Transactions section.
I'd like to put in for this as well. Is there a way to do this yet?