Re-activate Direct Deposit?

SaferCyclingCalgarySaferCyclingCalgary Member Posts: 8

I have a seasonal business and so I suspend my Payroll in my off-season. However, I can't seem to figure out how to re-activate Direct Deposit: help?


  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @SaferCyclingCalgary, thanks for reaching out! Our Account Management Team can help you out with that. You can get us on Live Chat via your Wave account or your can submit a ticket with us here and a member of our Support Team would be happy to help! :smile:

  • SaferCyclingCalgarySaferCyclingCalgary Member Posts: 8

    Will do; though I have to ask why I can setup direct deposit the first time by myself but I can't reactivate it after a seasonal shut down by myself?

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @SaferCyclingCalgary, We have made some changes to the way Direct Deposit is run recently, it is all done in house now. Employers who are reactivating their accounts need to reach out to our Account Management Team to ensure they are re-connected properly!

  • SaferCyclingCalgarySaferCyclingCalgary Member Posts: 8

    I did, and followed instructions and it didn't work. No response from the team member I emailed back. I will give the benefit of the doubt as it was Friday afternoon but I need this to be sorted out asap.

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @SaferCyclingCalgary, I am really sorry about the delay on this! I can see that you have a ticket open with Rachel, one of our Payroll Specialists and she has just gotten back to you. Again sorry about the delay in response time. Please let me know if you need anything else!

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