USD Invoice payment automatically converting to base currency?

aabdoolaabdool Member Posts: 1

I apologize if this was asked elsewhere.
I have Wave setup in TTD (my base currency), although I have a few accounts in USD. I created an invoice in USD, and marked payment to one of the USD accounts. However, the payment gets converted numerically to TTD inside the USD account, which seems to be strange behaviour. The USD account in question also automatically connects to the bank (using the integration) and that pulls the USD numbers correctly. So what ends up happening is that the account has the invoice numbers (numerically the equivalent amounts in TTD), working with numbers in USD, which of course winds up with something that's...not right.
Any ideas welcome.


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Azim! First of all welcome to Wave's Community Forum. This is the perfect space to post questions for both the Wave Team and fellow Wavers to connect! We are happy to have you :)

    From the information that I've gathered, it sounds like you are noticing some currency related issues for your invoice payments. Curious if you can let me know how the bank account was set up in your chart of accounts? I know that you had mentioned that the bank account is a USD account and I wanted to make sure that you had selected this when you created it. If you did it correctly, it should look like this:

    I trust that you did create it like this, and so if that is the case, can you please send a couple of screenshots of the behaviour that you are seeing? I'd love to unpack this a little more and then help work out the best way to address it moving forward.

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