
Fixing Estimates

geofflistergeofflister Member Posts: 1

Hey, so it's clear that the estimates function of the website has not seen the same love that other aspects, in terms of UX. It's had a little UI overhaul, but it's so janky compared to other aspects of the program. In fact, it's so bad that I do my estimating in seperate software. What gives? This should be a core function, especially as a services oriented software company. Most work I do has an estimate attached.


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @geofflister . You're correct here, the estimates product was built on an older platform and is definitely in need of a little bit of extra love from the team. We'll be working a little bit later on in the year to update Invoices at which point we're hoping to provide everyone with a much more robust Invoicing platform. Although I can't say for sure whether Estimates will be updated during this time, it'll be something that we evaluate in the future as to if it's something that we include in the revamp.

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    mclunepivotmclunepivot Member Posts: 9

    I would just like to add to this post as well. For many businesses especially in services industry, it starts with an estimate. I would like to see estimates look and work the same as invoices when it comes to moving items around in a different order. The key for me with estimates is to allow for an online approve button from the customer. One other thing. when you convert an estimate to an invoice which works great, but then your status of the estimate will eventually expire once it pasts the due date. If an estimate has been converted to an invoice the status should say converted. I look at my estimates and it's hard for me to see which one's truly did expire and not convert or those that were converted to an invoice. I hope the product team will highly consider the overhaul on estimates

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