
Bug with Invoicing and Transactions

majohnboymajohnboy Member Posts: 7

So I cannot find a way to fix this. It somehow happened because I wasn't sure how to split transactions at first, so I made the full payment of $2130 go to one invoice (the $1320 one I think). Once I realised this was the incorrect way of doing this I deleted the payment (I'm not exactly sure of my steps). Anyway, now the invoice is showing as "paid"on the invoice screen, yet the invoice is showing as an unpaid invoice in the transactions screen dropdown menu. This of course leads me to believe that the totals in my reports could be wrong as well, which basically defeats the entire purpose of bookkeeping! I have tried all sorts of workarounds but I think fundamentally, the backend of the app is to blame, rather than anything I have done wrong on the front end. Please help as I was really enjoying using wave, but now this is very unmotivating. I need to pay gst sales tax, but I cannot rely on the totals, and I have this annoying invoice that pops up when it is already paid. Loose ends and accounting don't mix. Please help asap. Thank you!!!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @majohnboy.

    You can remove a payment from an invoice by clicking on that paid invoice on your Invoices, and clicking on "Remove payment" in the "Get paid" section. You'll then be able to re-enter your transactions and re-attach them to your invoices.

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    majohnboymajohnboy Member Posts: 7

    @Alexia said:
    Hi @majohnboy.

    You can remove a payment from an invoice by clicking on that paid invoice on your Invoices, and clicking on "Remove payment" in the "Get paid" section. You'll then be able to re-enter your transactions and re-attach them to your invoices.

    Hi Alexia,

    Thanks for the response, I know I can remove payments and I have tried that as well. If I remove the payment the invoice shows up as -$2130 I believe. Like i said, it's something on the backend that has messed up and I'm pretty certain there is no way for me to fix it. I've spent hours and there aren't really that many options to try... :(

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    majohnboymajohnboy Member Posts: 7

    I'm also unable to delete the $2130 transaction to start again. I think it is this transaction in particular that is causing the problems. I just want to delete it and start again but I can't.

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    majohnboymajohnboy Member Posts: 7

    Update: So I also sent a message from the wave app itself and they were actually pretty good about responding. Below is a section of emails between me and the people at wave.....Good in a way because they are trying, but having them say they solved it when they haven't is disappointing. Now I am trying to remain optimistic they will be able to fix the issue very soon as it is really demotivating me from keeping up to date when I know there are bugs in the numbers...

    "John Wilkinson Music
    16 Feb, 7:27 PM EST


    Thanks for your response! Your reply made me very optimistic but I still have a problem. I removed the payment from two of the invoices 20180107 and 20180102 so these should both show up as unpaid invoices on my transactions screen. However, instead I see the invoice 20180102 of $1320 twice, and I cannot see the invoice 20180107 at all. So this means I am still unable split the transaction as I need to.

    Something is wrong with these two invoices I think. The end result I would like is to be able to see both of these invoices on my transactions dropdown as unpaid, and then I can just split the transactions of $2130 and $180 to pay them both.

    Please let me know if you need any more clarification. Look forward to your response! :)


    16 Feb, 11:44 AM EST

    Hi John,

    Thanks for standing by!

    I've heard back from the development team, and you should now find that you are able to edit the transaction as needed to properly apply a split payment. Once the payment is properly applied, you should find that your GST reporting correctly reflects the amount paid.

    If you find that this is not the case, please let me know and I will be happy to work on this further with you!

    James Hudson (Wave )

    15 Feb, 1:19 PM EST

    Hi John,

    Thanks for getting back to me!

    I've taken a look at your community post, and taken a deeper dive into my collaborator account as well. It looks like the invoices themselves are only recorded as paid once in the Invoices page, but the transaction is still giving us some difficulties.

    I've generated a Sales Tax Report for GST, and it appears as though, on an accrual basis the tax amount owing is correct; however, when the report is generated on a cash basis, the tax is being calculated incorrectly, as though more than one payment had been applied.

    I've flagged this to our development team, and I'm told a fix is on the way. I know that time is a factor here, and I've made them aware of this as well. I don't have a firm timeline for a resolution on this, but I hope to have it resolved shortly with the help of our development team.

    I'll continue to let you know about any progress that we make in having this fixed.


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    majohnboymajohnboy Member Posts: 7

    Another update: Problem fixed!!! Hooray!! So, everything as above was true, and it was still buggy. But I deleted the two deposits completely and re-entered them. This seemed to reset the dodgy totals on my invoices and allowed me to allocate the payments properly. At first glance this is all working properly!! Huzzah!!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @majohnboy

    Happy to hear everything is working now! I can promise you that we know how there's next to nothing as stressful as when the numbers don't match!

    Let us know if that ever happens again, we'll make sure to deal with it as fast as possible.

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