
Can the Wave Receipts App integrate with Xero

RakeshSRakeshS Member Posts: 2

Hi all, I've just discovered Wave for my new business and already use Xero as my main accounting package. Ive been trying out the Wave Receipts app and it seems to work very well. Ideally, I'd like to use that to record expenses and have that data (including a pic of a receipt) synced/passed to Xero. Is that possible to do, or if not, is there an easy manual way to do this?

Thanks in advance and looking forward to discover more about Wave.


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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @RakeshS, thanks for reaching out and welcome to Wave! I'm afraid it will not be possible to upload receipts to your Wave receipts app and then transfer those to Xero. Your receipts will be synced to you main Wave account (which is best accessed on your desktop) and a matching expense transaction will be created on your transactions page (Accounting > Transactions). There is no integration between Wave and Xero.

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    MarshallMarshall Member Posts: 7

    "or if not, is there an easy manual way to do this?"

    Not sure why you would want to run two accounting software at the same time for the same accounts, but....

    If you go to Purchases > Receipts, click the top receipt and use the Xero Expenses app to snap a picture of the receipt..... and continue down the line. This would be the easiest manual way, because the page doesn't need to keep loading, it simply uses pure magic and runs very fast :smile:

    For a long-term solution, why not just switch to Wave? Export all your transactions from Xero and import into Wave.... Simple! :smile:

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