
Invoice PDF Date

tarka33tarka33 Member Posts: 6

Dear Wave and Community,
I've recently started using Wave and just realised that the PDFs of the invoices are being saved as the payment due date rather than the invoice issue date. The client may well want them to be dated this way (maybe??) but I would like them saved by the date I issued them. Is it possible to change this setting anywhere?




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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @tarka33. As of right now, this isn't something that's currently offered in Wave -- potentially in the near future, but we don't have any immediate plans of adding this right now. We are exploring different options in terms of improving our invoice customization, but we are still not sure what that's going to look like. Appreciate the feedback and question you've given us here and will get back to you once we have a stronger idea of what we can offer in terms of this.

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    tarka33tarka33 Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for the update, @JamieD .

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    LJezardLJezard Member Posts: 3

    I also find it very strange that the filename for PDF's of invoices is showing the due date. When you talk to a customer about an invoice, you always mention the invoice number, invoice amount and invoice issuance date. The due date is something else altogether. As it is, if I email PDF's to customers when I'm performing A/R collections, customers are seeing the date in the PDF file name and think it's the issuance date, causing all kinds of confusion. SO, I am having to change every file name on all the PDF's to the invoice issuance date before sending...

    edited March 4, 2020
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    tarka33tarka33 Member Posts: 6
    Me too, @LJezard . Fortunately I only issue a few invoices per month, but using Wave is supposed to save me time. So, if this can be changed somewhere that would be really helpful. Let’s hope they consider adding this feature.
    edited March 5, 2020
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    PaulDevPaulDev Member Posts: 6

    I agree. This wastes a lot of time. My clients like the filename to be the name of the project. Could we not simply have a custom textbox to insert how we'd like the PDF to be named?

    edited March 3, 2021
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @LJezard @tarka33 & @PaulDev , I'd be more than happy to pass your feature idea along to our team. It helps to have an understanding of why you want this feature implemented so thank you for sharing your workflow.

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    PaulDevPaulDev Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for responding. The reason why this would be important to me is that my clients all have different ideas about how they like to see invoices named. If I have to download the PDF file, rename it, and then send it as an email, it defeats the benefit of being able to send it directly in Wave.

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