
Navigation using Keyboard while adding expenses

Bro_HLPRBro_HLPR Member Posts: 1

Hi All,
Finally, I forced myself to add all the transactions of last year to Wave Accounting.

I'm adding almost 70 transactions for each month.

Using the Duplicate feature the process is getting faster and easier.

I just have some comments maybe there is a solution for it and I don't know (Tried searching and found nothing) of it's a minor adjustment you can add to the system.

Can you increase the number of keyboards shortcuts as this will speed up the process and make navigation.

I'm suggesting:
Shortcut to add new expense
Shortcut to duplicate current open expense

Also while navigating in adding new expense using the Tab key, when I navigate away from the amount using Tab, the mark moves to Add Vendor, I click enter to add a vendor for the transaction but pressing tab again doesn't navigate to the new populated dropdown menu. The same case when I navigate to Add Client using Tab, I must switch to mouse to navigate to the drop-down menu of Clients.

Please consider this or let me know if there is a current solution.




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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Bro_HLPR - this isn't a current feature in Wave, but I really like this idea. Would you say you use hotkeys or keyboard shortcuts often? Greater mobility within Wave without having to rely on the mouse as much would definitely streamline a few processes, as well as benefit users who prefer keyboard based workflows.

    I can't make any promises on implementation, but I'm going to bring this to our Product teams for consideration. Even from an accessibility standpoint there are a lot of use-cases this would benefit. Thanks again for you input :)

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    KestaKesta Member Posts: 1

    Any progress or additions to the hotkeys or shortcuts? Having recently switched from another software, this is something I really miss. Having to deal with the mouse is really slowing me down!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Kesta

    At this point we have not heard of this coming down the pipeline from our developers! Thanks for reaching out and requesting an update and don't hesitate to do so again if you have any other questions.

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    KestaKesta Member Posts: 1

    Thanks for the response.

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    BrittBritt Member Posts: 1

    Hey guys!
    So in looking for the answer to this exact question, yet again, I happened to notice today that it has been just over 2 years since the initial request (from this thread at least) for hot keys and/or keyboard shortcuts was placed, with absolutely no progress made in the follow up almost a year and a half later? I truly cannot imagine that it would take much at all really for your team to implement the ability to tab across the info fields when creating a bill, or expense, yet this would make the workload for users much more seamless, and it still hasn't been implemented after 2 years? There have been quite a few ease of function requests from Wave users over the years that I have seen, most of which were turned down or just never implemented, so I can't help but wonder is this request going to end up like the countless others? Initially it wasn't overly bothersome, but the more I found myself utilizing the bills function, the more it began to slow down my work process (and I'm sure others would have noticed the same).
    It just seems like such a small, miniscule request, but when tasked with creating hundreds of bills - it truly becomes such a waste of time to have to enter information, use mouse to select next box, enter, mouse to select, enter, mouse, enter, mouse, enter mouse, enter, mouse AND FINALLY after all of that, the tab function seems to work from line two onward. Why Wave is even lacking such a simple, standard function as the ability to tab all the way through is beyond me, but the fact that it hasn't been implemented after 2 years and multiple requests, is slightly ridiculous and leaves the impression that the opinions and preferences of Wave users are certainly not very highly regarded.

    Please let us know if this is a feature that will be taken seriously and actually implemented in the near future.

    Thank you.

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @Britt ,

    At this point in time, there aren't currently any plans on to implement additional keyboard shortcuts I'm afraid, but I appreciate how they would be useful for you. Thank you for sharing your feedback and context around their use, and feel free to reach out any time for an update on if they are on our current roadmap!

    In regards to your issue using the "tab" hotkey when creating Bills, this has been escalated to our Development team. They are not prioritising a fix at the moment, so in the meantime, please use Shift + tab to move backwards through the first line as a workaround.

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