Ammending Statements for Bulk amounts being paid

Ebrahim786Ebrahim786 Member Posts: 1

Hi Guys

Love your platform :)
We are a service business and some of our clients accumulate multiple invoices from us and their total outstanding amounts get bigger and bigger. We normally demand payment close to end of the month and the client doesn't pay invoice for invoice and pays a lump sum, in most cases less than the total amount owed.

An example would be a client accumulates a total bill (Which Spans over 5 invoices) over the period of the month of R 2000. Due to his cash flow he says he can only afford to pay me R 1000.He pays us the lump sum of R 1000 . The invoices we gave him don't add to R 1000 and so recording a payment becomes difficult.

Using this example, Id like to know is there a way for us to record the payment of a R1000 and Send him a statement showcasing the payment of R 1000 and that he still owes us (On the same statement) the remaining R 1000.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Alot


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ebrahim786 . Looks like team saw your ticket and responded via email. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out there!

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