
Receipt searching

ukwoodyukwoody Member Posts: 2

Hi, have just started using Wave (MUCH better then QBO) but I have loads and loads of receipts. I'm really surprised there is no search function available by date or vendor. As a small business owner I need to be able to track down certain receipts. Are there plans to add this feature in the near future?



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    ukwoodyukwoody Member Posts: 2

    Should have added this is relating to receipts scanned in from my suppliers tills etc.

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ukwoody! First of all, glad to hear that you are enjoying using Wave so far! :)

    Totally hear that having a search functionality on the receipts tab would be really helpful. While it doesn't yet exist, there is another way that might be helpful in finding the receipts once they have been uploaded in Wave. Whenever you upload a receipt, you'll likely notice that a transaction will appear on your "Transactions" page. If you click on the transaction, you should find that you can attach a vendor to the transaction.

    Once you assign the vendor to the transaction, you can use the "Purchases by Vendor" report to see all of the transactions that are assigned to that vendor as a total. You can click on the total and it will break out each transaction that has been assigned to the vendor and the date. While I acknowledge that this isn't the most elegant way to search, you can likely find the transaction using this process.

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    FrankPrendergastFrankPrendergast Member Posts: 6

    Agreed, receipt searching would be really useful!

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