A few questions about Wave (checking back in from 6 years ago)

aparis99aparis99 Member Posts: 1

I tested out Wave in 2013 and felt it was still too new with some basic features. It seems some basic features are still missing, unless someone can help me with a work-around...

  1. Is there no way to see pending/uncategorized transactions on dashboard? Do you have to manually go and see if anything is not reviewed on the Transactions page? (Just a personal gripe, not a flaw)
  2. Is there no way to receive a payment for a customer and have it pull up all their open invoices so you can select which invoices to apply to (multiple)?
    2a. 90% of my payments are on multiple invoices from many small jobs. Is there still not a way to apply a payment to multiple invoices without having to make credit accounts for each client!?!? (this is my biggest con and will keep me from switching back to Wave).
  3. Is there a way for clients to get an account summary, or a total amount due as a whole on each invoice they receive? Or, is there a client side where they can see all their open invoices?
  4. Is there no way to have a discount on the invoice as a whole as a percentage?

Thanks guys!


  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @aparis99 Welcome back after six years! Thanks for checking in on our growth :)

    To answer your questions:

    1. You wouldn't see pending/uncategorized Transactions on the Dashboard in the same format as you see them in your Transactions page but you can see your Profit and Loss Report (which account for funds that are going to come in and going to go out) as well as a list of invoices payable to you and bills you owe. And yes, to see which transactions you've reviewed by heading to the Transactions page. Where would you like to be able to see this?

    2. Yes! When you receive a payment for an invoice in Wave, you can go to your Transactions page and categorize the income transaction as a 'Payment for an Invoice in Wave' which will then bring up a list of all the invoices you could associate the transaction with. I'm afraid the software doesn't pull up invoices related to specific customers though. Would that be important to you?

    2a. Are you wondering about splitting a deposit transaction to associate the deposit with various invoices? If so, yep, you certainly can. You would just click on the deposit transaction, select 'split this deposit' and then categorize each split as a payment for a particular invoice in Wave. Here's an article explaining how to do this: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208621536-How-to-split-a-transaction

    1. It sounds like you are sending many invoices to the same customer on a regular basis. I'm afraid there is no Account Summary on the customer's side. They would only see how much is due for the particular invoice sent to them. Is there a reason why you would like the customer to be able to see a total of how much they owe beyond individual invoices? If they regularly pay off invoices, perhaps you could set them up with a recurring invoice so they can expect invoices to come in on a certain schedule? Let me know what the use case is here!

    2. Right now, you would just need to add discounts as a negative line item on the invoice. We are revamping the invoice feature and we're hoping a more calculated flow for discounts will be one of the new features!

    edited June 13, 2019
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