
Google sheets integration

thomssithomssi Member Posts: 27

The release of this, seemingly official, integration is great. One of the issues with Wave reporting is the lack of a month on month report which this handily does, but.....

Why oh why is the data as text rather than numbers? Maybe I would like to graph it or something..... Stick some charts in a monthly MIS report or the like. Now invoice downloads seem to be numeric for the appropriate fields. Balance sheet, P&L reports are not, stick a ccy label at the top of a column or something but please make the report data numbers rather than text.

Yes, I know I can work around but this is a pretty odd way to have done things in the first place in what otherwise is a fantastically useful addition.



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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @thomssi

    So the Wave connect google sheets add-on was a way to simply import and export data since some people had expressed that they were having trouble using our CSV uploader. I guess I have a few questions though. When you say the Balance Report for example gives you text rather than numbers, can you expand a bit more on this? Feel free to show me a screenshot too as an example. Here's what I've pulled up for my balance sheet in Wave connect. Are you referring to renaming the accounts to a numerical value?

    The idea is to resemble the image based data you see in your Wave reports but still have this info accessible in table format for a majority of our users who prefer an easy to use solution to uploading and downloading data.

    I'm still curious to know whether you could expand a little more of what you're looking for. Perhaps it's beyond my comprehension.

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    thomssithomssi Member Posts: 27

    Hi @Barsin

    The way the format comes out it is text. To do this you would usually type a " ' " in front of whatever you are entering. The upshot of this is you can't graph the outputs or add them up or do other mathematical functions on them (e.g. say I want to do some ration analysis) as despite the fact it looks like a number it doesn't behave as one.

    If you take your report and look I think you will see the "$" are not a number format but a leading text character. Now maybe my using AED complicated this but for instance if I tray and add AED1,000 to AED2,000 it doesn't recognise as 1k and 2k and hence can't add them.

    An example is pasted with the comment sheets produces for the error. In this case I just tried to divide the cell below by 2 as an example.



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    thomssithomssi Member Posts: 27

    I just noticed, on my report everything is left formatted where yours the "numbers" are right formatted. I didn't do this, left formatting is default for a text field and right for numerical though. Perhaps it is because of AED (and potentially anything that is non-USD)?

    Add:, yeah I ran for different companies in EUR and USD, they are numbers. It would seem if your accounts are in a currency that uses an alpha code rather than a symbol it is causing the issue. Be better just remove or use as column headers, everyone should know the currency of their accounts anyway, don't need it in every cell.


    edited June 16, 2019
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @thomssi

    I'll be honest, it seems you have a much better understanding of spreadsheet formatting than I do, and a lot of the workarounds. We really appreciate your feedback and may also look to your guidance if others encounter future matters with this type of spreadsheet cell formatting. I will pass this along to our application support team as feedback. Thanks again.

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    thomssithomssi Member Posts: 27

    Hi @Barsin

    Thanks for the reply. If you need any clarifications or need me speak to anyone specific to help out then no problem, just let me know.



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