Universal app?
Is there anything in the works to make a general Wave App, or a mobile website? I love the fact that I can create an invoice from my phone but I would like more. I'm a one man operation so I'm hardly in the office. I would like the ability to enter an expense or a cash payment from my mobile device.
Hey @HuskyLogic
Thanks for reaching out here. I can tell you that creating a full accounting mobile app is of course on our minds, but this is a very robust and intensive process. This is a long term goal for Wave, so I don't want to entertain the idea for the community that it's on the pipeline soon, but of course we are thinking about this. Thanks again, and have a great weekend!
Would it be easier to build a mobile responsive website instead?
Hey @HuskyLogic . Definitely some feedback that I'm sure the team wouldn't mind hearing about. I'll pass on your sentiments.
@AlexL and all administrators,
I'm a new user to Wave, just switched over from the Q products. I am also a one-[wo]man office like @HuskyLogic . I'd love to use Wave on the road (that is, away from my home office). A full 50-90% of my time is away from my office, using a smartphone, not a laptop.
FYI, I don't have any payroll but I've signed up to take mobile payments with Wave. So I'm already giving Wave money.
I'd love a full mobile interface that does the following, useful for a small business user:
I'd be happy to pay for a good app if you just can't get it done under your current budget; I'm not expecting your developers to work for free ----but if I can barely see your font even with reading glasses on, AND I have to pinch in and out to see the screen to see different elements, the smart-device UX isn't working as well as it could be.
Please help. I'd be happy to give a list of ideas that can help an often-mobile business owner like myself, running all aspects of the business. I switched from the Q softwares because they became too expensive AND didn't fit my small-business needs.
Hey @LaurenM . We really value this type of feedback as it not only expresses the features you're looking for, but tells us exactly how you'd use them and how they would help out your business. At the moment, we're not working on building out our two pre-existing apps (Invoices and Receipts), as we are actually hoping to have an all-encompassing universal app in the future. When this comes, the thought is that it will somewhat mirror what the web app currently does, although we don't know for sure exactly what it will look like.
At the moment, this isn't one of our short-term goals as we prioritize other products, but I can ensure you that this is definitely a long term plan that we'd like to be able to release to our users in the future.
Thanks again for your thoughts and feedback, it's greatly appreciated.
Thanks, @AlexL ,
If I may speak for many users (being a sole business owner and the sole workers myself), in a universal app we want easy access to the things we do the most:
-add income
-add expense
-see our balances and transactions
I understand that you aren't building out the current apps but you can probably understand what mobile apps need to do: easily locate the action needed to do, easily see the actions, and take the action (press a button and/or type)
At the moment your current web interface is not easily translating to mobile UX. It definately isn't mobile-friendly nor responsive interface, as responsive web design (RWD) is. Non-mobile interface is probably not any issue for a very young person, but for a busy person or someone whose eyesight has decreased in reading distance, trying to work on a non-mobile UX is difficult.
Because the interface isn't very mobile-friendly, it's hard to see, click buttons, and then go do what I need to do. The typesize setting doesn't make a global change and there's no wraparound of the text - so I have to keep sliding the screen to read one line.
I'm on an iPhone 11 running the latest iOS, looking at Wave on Safari - and I can't see my information. Safari is what many iOS users are using. iOS is a 50% market share. I'm not sharing any disrespect - I'm just trying to show what I see.
I was a designer for a long time. I saw smartphone interfaces before the mobile UX was developed. I'm having a tough time seeing your mobile interface.... I'm sorry to say, that not only does looking at the mobile interface is giving me a headache, it makes me dread using it. And I've only been on Wave for 7 days.
I'm happy to send you screenshots. ANYTHING I can do to help. But I might have to make a new accounting solution
if I can't even see or use the interface. As I have said before, I'm happy to pay a small monthly fee if I gain a good product.