Mobile Feature Ideas


Discussion List

  • Hi, On the Invoices page of the App now I can see the list of invoices with the following details: Customer, Invoice title, Invoice number, Total amount, Due date, Status. I want to have more details here, like Summary, otherwise, there's no way to distinguish the invoices from this view, if I have many jobs with one Customer, without going throu…
    MaxG 178 views 6 comments Most recent by MaxG May 14, 2022 11:43PM
  • How can I create an estimate on the mobile app? As my app only allows me to generate invoices
    jashan munilall 6.3K views 71 comments Most recent by Michaelzep May 10, 2022 11:44PM
  • If you Are looking For top Mobile App Development Company Canada, iQlance is a name you can rely on when you are looking for the best mobile app development company that can develop a customized mobile app as per your business requirements. We have an agile mobile app development process that works well in accordance with your requirements. Our to…
    juliajohnson 18 views 0 comments Started by juliajohnson April 18, 2022 8:59AM
  • I’ve been frustrated ever since the demise of the Receipts app. I’ve been processing hard copy receipts with my mobile device, through my browser, and uploading photos through my phone. I frequently have to repeat this already cumbersome process 3-4x times per transaction, as I crash out of the process without the transaction having been saved. …
    smileybirth 14 views 0 comments Started by smileybirth March 6, 2022 10:44PM
  • Hi Wave team, Receipts on iOS & iPadOS are great, but severely handicapped. A full functioning Transactions App - Direct upload to existing transaction, or create transactions on the fly. This would encompass all functionality of Receipts but takes the workflow to a whole new level Currently, the receipt process is extremely complicated &a…
    LittleBiz 171 views 12 comments Most recent by DerekDoubleEntry February 7, 2022 8:48PM
  • Is there full mobile access to the site? Estimates. Customers, sending bids? I am traveling without access to a laptop or computer. I need to send an estimate out. Thank you for any advice! Brenda
    Garden1ng 352 views 17 comments Most recent by conversionda January 21, 2022 12:06AM
  • I was sent a link to join the Wave Bank. Got most of the way through the sign up until I got to the birth date field. Got a popup calendar. The is no short cut to change the year or month. You can't enter the date manually. I'm nearly 67 years old. I'm not going to tap an back arrow 804 times to put in my birth date so I guess I won't be using Wav…
    Lyle 21 views 0 comments Started by Lyle November 17, 2021 6:05PM
  • While I know that customer portals have been requested in the community elsewhere. In the short term, the ability to upload documents to the customer even via browser would be very helpful. Even for my own reference. Consider a simple Google docs integration for this even?
    RoninBuildersLLC 1 view 0 comments Started by RoninBuildersLLC October 25, 2021 3:20PM
  • Hi, where can I see the estimates on the app on my phone please? Thanks so much! I
    Juannos 21 views 2 comments Most recent by Aaron_C June 29, 2021 8:39PM
  • Can the features of printing an invoice and exporting to PDF be added in the invoice app?
    Mits 622 views 13 comments Most recent by Baylee74 June 14, 2021 11:38PM
  • I desperately need autosave for writing invoices. Toggle it on or off for editing changes. Very frustrating to flip between email, bank, and invoice and it resets everything I've entered when I return to Invoice app. I shouldn't have to back out of the invoice I'm creating to save it as I'm writing it. Thank you for any tips Using Android o…
    brtom 46 views 0 comments Started by brtom April 28, 2021 12:24AM
  • I've read multiple posts about how an estimating option using the mobile app would increase user productivity and overall user experience. Since 2017 this app estimate feature has been requested so what's the deal here? I have been waiting and waiting and think this is not going to happen ever at this point. So what's the deal? Can you at the VERY…
    Handydan 21 views 3 comments Most recent by Pkripper67 March 1, 2021 3:13AM
  • Great app. Really fond of the features Wave provides . My customers love getting their invoice by whatsapp .. Really convenient.. However, when they pay, i cant send them a receipt of their payment by whatsapp .. Wave do provide the email option for the receipt but i was just wondering if there was a way to send the receipt by whatsapp too.. tha…
    Ouff_services_2020 59 views 1 comment Most recent by JulianP December 31, 2020 9:41PM
  • I would love it is there was a way to add custom categories for what my expenses really are. Our business is with animals and we track food and medical expenses. Right now there is no category close to that.
    Goats 176 views 3 comments Most recent by Venexiano December 31, 2020 1:48AM
  • I didn't receive push notice for an invoice sent two days ago? But received sending overdue notice. Anyway to check if the invoice was viewed or not? And how? Thanks Rutian
    Rutian 1.2K views 2 comments Most recent by Mollask November 30, 2020 4:31PM
  • I wish we could call customers directly from the customer profile. It seems like an easy feature to simply tap the phone number and have it dial. Currently I am unable to do this, am I missing something?
    Wheelerelectric 67 views 1 comment Most recent by Barsin October 21, 2020 7:48PM
  • The mobile invoicing app (using a galaxy note 10+ 5g) I am finding is very buggy with respect to finding contacts. More often than not if i search for a customer (that has definitely been entered in the system previously - and has said it's been saved) the app will not find them. In order to find them i have to go into my previous invoices, find t…
    drosteo 167 views 1 comment Most recent by CallieP September 9, 2020 2:33PM
  • Hi. This might be a function I missed but is there any way to access the invoice estimates I write on the Web interface and later open and edit the same estimate in the invoicing app for iPhone?
    Balcmeg 62 views 9 comments Most recent by Misfito August 27, 2020 5:35PM
  • Hi! Is there a way where we can send the invoice document or pdf through WhatsApp and not email?
    Flutedreamz 1.5K views 4 comments Most recent by Gita_R August 5, 2020 4:32PM
  • It would be great if you could see a customer statement from the mobile app. And from the site if you could send the statement as an attachment just like by invoices!!
    Akiva 65 views 3 comments Most recent by ConnorM July 29, 2020 7:28PM
  • Hi team, couldn't see this feature requested recently, apology if it duplicates. I noticed the mobile app doesn't have the opportunity for a secure access. Once you login with your Wave credentials they are saved and the app just logs you in automatically. Would be great if we have the possibility to set a PIN to prompt us when opening the app and…
    IloD 23 views 1 comment Most recent by Barsin July 15, 2020 5:52PM
  • Hi all, I have a property maintenance business, running for the last year. If any expenses are incurred by my employees' for my business, they gather the respective receipts together and give them to me on a monthly basis (along with a handwritten breakdown). I then total these up and refund them manually followed by scanning/uploading them into …
    RakeshS 45 views 1 comment Most recent by ConnorM May 29, 2020 3:29PM
  • Do you guys think you will ever produce a platform to integrate time sheet reports with invoicing. Ideally I would input crew time on a job with cost codes and would be able to integrate the info with invoicing. Am I asking to much ?
    slatstipp 81 views 1 comment Most recent by ConnorM May 12, 2020 1:54PM
  • Rb1Rb1
    The invoices section of the website shows total invoices raised and total invoices outstanding, but the app doesn't. Is it possible to show these totals on the app too?
    Rb1 144 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL February 14, 2020 11:56PM
  • I usually create estimates on my computer , not using the app, but it would be helpful to create those on the road (others have mentioned this on this forum). Also , I have to go home to use my computer to change the estimate to an invoice so I can invoice my customer. This function should be added to the phone app. Also we need to be able to …
    cardsfan 34 views 1 comment Most recent by ConnorM February 6, 2020 8:11PM
  • Can’t see if this is possible at all currently, but I tend to use OneDrive to “scan” my receipts as I find it easier to trim and clear up any photos. This means I save the jpg to onedrive and I can see many cases where users do use other apps or methods to image their receipts. Would be awesome to copy/paste images into the app, or even select …
    Stvo 47 views 1 comment Most recent by AlexL February 3, 2020 8:12PM
  • I have a suggestion for Your Dashboard that will make it easier for us users in the interim while you work on a universal app OR while you make mobile more friendly: . Please add one or two or three DROPDOWN MENU item(s) in the Dashboard in "Create a new..." 1. Expense 2. Income 3. Transaction . (See the enclosed photos from my desktop …
    LaurenM 151 views 0 comments Started by LaurenM January 13, 2020 3:56PM
  • Currently using DeX for Samsung on a 32 inch monitor, browsing to limits the entire UI to the assumption that since it is a phone render it as a phone. This produces a very very poor user experience. Instead of rendering the UI to the user agent and thus device type (mobile vs desktop), consider looking at a more fluid/dynamic rende…
    RobChartier 75 views 0 comments Started by RobChartier January 7, 2020 10:49PM
  • It would be useful if the Receipt Mobile App could calculate subtotal and tax since this is a stupid-simple logic to build. Here is the user case: * Take picture of receipt, mobile app recognizes Total * Add Tax (eg. HST 13%) * Based on added Tax, app automatically populates Tax amount and Subtotal amount. It's a bit silly that an accounting app…
    Mike 1.7K views 16 comments Most recent by Barsin January 7, 2020 8:20PM
  • Is there anything in the works to make a general Wave App, or a mobile website? I love the fact that I can create an invoice from my phone but I would like more. I'm a one man operation so I'm hardly in the office. I would like the ability to enter an expense or a cash payment from my mobile device.
    HuskyLogic 71 views 6 comments Most recent by LaurenM January 6, 2020 6:46PM