
Receipts App for NFP

PipPip Member Posts: 20

I am using Wave for a local Scouts group and a great many of our expenses are processed as reimbursements to the leaders when they give me their receipts. So, I'm wondering if using the Receipts App might be a good addition for us? I've had a play and it seems fairly easy to use, but I'm afraid the request for accounts and categories could scare them off.
Would a good idea be to have an account called 'reimbursements' that they can select for this?
Is there a work-around necessary that someone has already done?
Thanks for any suggestions.



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    PipPip Member Posts: 20

    Adding - or if not having a 'reimbursement' account, is there any issue with just instructing them to use 'statement account' which is where I'd be paying them from?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Pip

    Just so you know, giving login access to your employees to download the receipts app will also give them other access to your Wave account. This is where it might get a bit questionable as you will have to add their emails as collaborators under User Management Settings then they could in theory access the receipts app themselves to upload their receipts. Also it might be confusing as they will need to know which account to categorize this to.

    In regards how to categorize these expenses, it would need to be done as a liability to each of your employees. This article has a great step-by-step description on how to create these accounts with some good visuals too. How to account for reimbursements

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    PipPip Member Posts: 20

    Great, good to know about them having access to the accounts, @Barsin. Obviously not ideal. Some are signatories, but some are not, so best to leave it alone.

    But, I guess I can still just get them to send them by on their phones anyway, and I"ll load it myself.

    And thank you so much for the info on how to account for reimbursements. Wow! I had no idea!! Fabulous!! Thank you. Thank you.

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