unable to merge bank imported transaction with invoice posted transaction

vasuvasu Member Posts: 2

Hello ,

My default currency is configured on wave is INR.

I have raised an invoice in CAD, the amount was remitted in INR in my bank account.

Now wave has imported the transaction from my bank account, but now when I am posting the invoice as paid on wave and trying to merge the entries wave won't let me merge two entries instead it add up one more payment record to my invoice when i try to merge two transactions on wave.

also, I am getting an error at the time of recording payment for the invoice as " wave Oops! There was an issue with recording your payment. Please try again."
but once I refresh the invoice page payment does get recorded.

PLS help me.. my email id is pt@quanticteq.com

edited June 14, 2019 in Technical Support


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @vasu. If you could just confirm with me here -- is the transaction for the bank deposit as well as the invoice payment in the same amount? Also, is it associated with the same bank account? If so, you should be able to merge these transactions no problem. Once you're able to confirm this we should be able to further investigate what's happening here.

  • vasuvasu Member Posts: 2

    Yes, the amount is the same as well the bank is same, whenever i try to merge two transactions into 1 noting happens but wave does add an additional entry of payment record on my invoice hence increasing my net balance in that bank account.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @vasu. I would need to see the additional transaction that it's creating in this situation -- perhaps it would be best if we take this off the forum for now and I work with you via support ticket since I might need collaborative access to see what's going on. Please keep your eye out for an email regarding this.

    edited June 21, 2019
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