Nothing personal? It's just business?

kincaid0421kincaid0421 Member Posts: 1

In a February 2019 post, @Mani stated:

While this will all help you perform the small business accounting you need more easily, Wave won’t be focused on personal financial management. We are not planning to expand into the world of personal finance management, so you’ll see these features gradually removed as we focus on improvements, optimizations, and new features in the small business toolset.

I use Wave for personal account tracking since it is standard accounting and less like other products where they are too non-accounting focused for my preferences. I use a business profile to keep track of corporate travel expenses since I travel a lot. I realize this isn't your bread and butter use case, but it's worked well for me and helped me keep track of my finances in a way that works well for me.

Am I going to have to consider another option now? This post makes it sound like someone like me isn't welcome, even though I use the business features for personal work. I try to run my personal life like a business in many regards, so small business accounting software makes sense for me. I also don't pay for Wave but I have strongly supported it and spread the word to everyone who might consider it for their businesses and their personal finances. Online and face to face.


  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @kincaid0421 You can definitely keep using our business accounting tools for personal finance tracking, but keep in mind, the tools are intended for small businesses. In my opinion, if the software is working for you to track this data, then by all means go for it! I just wouldn't want to set the expectation that this is something that we will have available (personal financing) in the future.

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