
Auto Reports

JustalJustal Member Posts: 4

I have a feature request / idea. One of the worries with 'Cloud Accounting' (especially an essentially free service such a Wave) is the fact that there is a possibility that it's servers could be down or access to it might stop. I'm sure that isn't the case but I'd feel more reassured if I could also store some of my data locally 'just in case'. I think a simple way to do this would be through the use of an 'auto-export' feature. Ideally I'd like to be able to get certain reports emailed to me on a regular basis.

So for instance I can already see a Profit & Loss report and click on the 'Details' tab. I can then export this as a PDF and save it to my local hard drive. It would be nice if I could also set this up to happen on a schedule - say once a month. Such a feature could be added for selected reports - essentially a user should be able to set up a list of reports that they want emailed to them on a certain schedule.

Similarly, I can go to Settings and Export Data to send myself a zip file of all my data. Again, it would be good to set this up to occur automatically on a schedule.

Is this a feature that could be added so as to provide some added reassurance and a degree of automatic data backup?



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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Justal . Rest assured you will never lose access to Wave, even if it is cloud-based. I'll be honest, I don't think that this is something that is currently on our roadmap due to the fact that the reports are exportable manually, but I will gladly reach out to the team and let them know that a user is requesting this as well as the logic behind the request. Thanks again!

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    JustalJustal Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for your reply and for standing by the integrity of your product. It's always good to have local backups of business critical data though so hopefully the Wave team will add this in the future.

    Thanks again for what so far seems like a great product.. I've recently written a blog post reviewing my thoughts working with Wave so far and it was a glowing review. ;)


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    ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @Justal Thanks for the kinds words! I'll make sure Alex sees this.

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    ovrbordovrbord Member Posts: 1

    Hi @AlexL , I would also like to automatically export a report, but for a different reason. Every month I sent a client a statement summarizing the invoices we have together that are currently outstanding. I would love to be able to just automatically send this statement at the end of each month.

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