
Anyone know how to add two receipts to a transaction?

kimskeykimskey Member Posts: 1

A little frustrated with wave at the moment.
Merge feature is great but still crazy especially cuz it takes the later date rather than the earlier. Why would this happen? I don't know.

Anyway, the real issue I am having is the inability to add two invoices to a transaction. I paid one check for two invoices and I need both of them on there for this one receipt. There is no attach receipt feature, let alone multiple attachments, so anyone know a workaround for this? Or know of a way to do this?


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    ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @kimskey I'm interested! What do you mean by it takes the later date rather than the earlier? Does the Optical Character Recognition read the date wrong? If so, happily this can be fixed with an edit (but I get that's not ideal).

    Ahh yes, all you'd need to do is split the expense transaction and then associate with splits with bills you create in Wave. While you can't merge receipts with splits, you can create a bill in Wave to record the expense transaction. Then, you can split the transaction and categorize the splits as a 'Payment for a Bill in Wave'. For visual context, check out our Help Centre Article on splitting transactions: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208621536-How-to-split-a-transaction

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    funfarmfunfarm Member Posts: 3


    This is similar, but I am not getting what to do. I have two paper receipts from the vendor where i bought the items. I picked up both orders on the same day and paid with the same check for both. How do I get Wave to think they are the same thing?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @funfarm , so to confirm, are you seeing a single expense transaction pulled in from your bank account and then you're adding the two receipts to Wave, which creates two separate receipt transactions leading to three total?

    Let me know so I have a better understanding of what we're dealing with.

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    funfarmfunfarm Member Posts: 3

    Yes it is a single expense/check from my bank. So the situation is that I pay with a check to buy bags and boxes for my company. The last two times he has given me 2 or even 3 separate invoices on separate pieces of paper. He then totals them and I pay with one check. He marks each paid and gives me no other receipts. I cannot merge them as they are two or more separate receipts according to the system. Not sure how to get the system to reconcile them. Thanks

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @funfarm , there's no really accurate way of doing this as the two receipt transactions represent two payments, and the cheque pulled in from your bank connection represents another. We do have two workaround methods that you could apply here though:
    1. Depending on how you use your receipts, you could take a picture of both receipts in a single image and adjust the amount that it accounts for so that when it generates the transaction, it's mergeable with your bank imported cheque transaction.
    2. Do you really need to track these receipts, or is having the cheque expense sufficient? If you don't need to track the receipts, you could just delete them in this situation.
    3. Alternatively you could just delete the cheque transaction and make a note in the receipt transactions that they equate the singular cheque in your bank statement.

    Hope one of these works for you.

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