
How to send a payment receipt to a customer who has paid outside of Wave

HOSPMHOSPM Member Posts: 14

A customer has paid for a service by sending a bank transfer directly to our business (i.e., they didn't pay via Wave).

How do I send this customer a receipt for the payment they have already made?

It seems that if I send them an invoice from Wave it will present them with payment options. Since they have already paid, I'd like to send them a payment receipt or paid invoice.



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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @HOSPM, thanks for reaching out! In order to send a receipt to this customer you will first need to create an invoice for the payment. Because you have already received payment for the invoice, once you create it in your account, you can select the option to Skip Sending and instead record a payment on the invoice. Once you have marked the invoice as paid, you will see the option to Send a receipt. I hope this helps :smile:

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